various replies.... (LONG)
Si, I was having big problems with FF3.0 well after 3.0b5 -- but most were related to sqlite database management on Linux, and updates to the Google-provided malware database. I'm really liking 3.1b3pre in it's current state. The following add-ons are *mostly* OK, although TabMixPLus (which I can't live without) is currently causing enormous slowdowns, once every 30 minutes or so, for about 10 seconds, within some of it's own javascript. It's not a TraceMonkey problem, it happens even when I disable the JIT. It's more likely falling into some new, CPU-intensive security checking code. OneMan is looking into it, and might have something soon. The others are all functional. Remember, this is LINUX:
[b]Generated:[/b] Fri Jan 30 2009 12:10:20 GMT-0800 (PST)
[b]User Agent:[/b] Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9.1b3pre) Gecko/20090128 Shiretoko/3.1b3pre
[b]Build ID:[/b] 20090128213741
[b]Enabled Extensions:[/b] [52]
- [url=]about:safebrowsing[/url] 1.0
- [url=]Adblock Plus[/url] 1.0.1
- [url=]Adblock Plus: Element Hiding Helper[/url] 1.0.5
- [url=]AutoFormer[/url]
- [url=]Classic Compact Options[/url] 1.1.3
- [url=]CLEO[/url] 4.0
- [url=]ColorfulTabs[/url] 3.4
- [url=]Connect to address[/url] 1.1.9
- [url=]Console²[/url] 0.3.10
- [url=]Custom Download Manager[/url] 1.6c
- [url=]Download Statusbar[/url]
- [url=]ErrorZilla Plus[/url] 0.4.4
- [url=]Extension Developer[/url]
- [url=]FEBE[/url] 6.1beta
- [url=]Find In Tabs[/url] 0.4
- [url=]Firefox Showcase[/url] 0.9.5
- [url=]FireGestures[/url] 1.1.6
- [url=]Flashblock[/url]
- [url=]Forecastfox[/url]
- [url=]Form Saver[/url] 0.9.0
- [url=]Greasemonkey[/url] 0.8.20080609.0
- [url=]Html Validator[/url]
- [url=]Java Quick Starter[/url] 1.0
- [url=]JavaScript Debugger[/url]
- [url=]JSView[/url] 2.0.5
- [url=]Linkification[/url] 1.3.5
- [url=]MR Tech Toolkit[/url]
- [url=]New Tab Button[/url] 1.0.8
- [url=]Nightly Tester Tools[/url] 2.0.2
- [url=]NoScript[/url]
- [url=]Nuke Anything Enhanced[/url] 0.68.2
- [url=]Open Addons[/url] 1.1.3
- [url=]Page Zoom Buttons[/url] 1.1.1
- [url=]PatchForLibrary[/url] 5.2pre
- [url=]Platypus[/url] 0.81
- [url=]QuickJava[/url]
- [url=]Remove It Permanently[/url]
- [url=]Right-Click-Link[/url] 1.1.3
- [url=]RSS Validator[/url] 3.0.0
- [url=]Screen grab![/url] 0.95
- [url=]Source Viewer Tab[/url] 0.3.2008120201
- [url=]Stop-or-Reload Button[/url] 0.2.2
- [url=]Tab Mix Plus[/url]
- [url=]Text Complete[/url]
- [url=]Tinderstatus[/url] 0.3
- [url=]Toolbar Buttons[/url]
- [url=]Total Validator[/url] 5.4.0
- [url=]User Agent Switcher[/url] 0.6.11
- [url=]View Dependencies[/url]
- [url=]View Frames[/url] 1.0
- [url=]Web Developer[/url] 1.1.6
- [url=]YesScript[/url] 1.4
[b]Installed Themes:[/b] [2]
- [url=]Abaca classic[/url] 1.2.1
- [b][url=]Classic Compact[/url] 3.0.9[/b]
- [url=]Default[/url]
[b]Installed Plugins:[/b] (9)
- Adobe Reader 8.0
- Default Plugin
- DivX® Web Player
- Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_10-b33
- QuickTime Plug-in 7.2.0
- Shockwave Flash
- Totem Web Browser Plugin 2.24.1
- VLC Multimedia Plugin (compatible Totem 2.24.1)
- Windows Media Player Plug-in 10 (compatible; Totem)
Lianfair's right on the money about hotmail-- one fix has been done, but there still seems to be a problem with compose. I don't know, because I have absolutely, totally no interest in using hotmail. ever.
A couple of comments talk about "can't edit the config file", or "my config is hidden in a database": prefs.js is pretty much unchanged, you CAN edit it with vi, but if you edit it while FF is running then all your changes will be overwritten when Firefox exits. Use Help-->About-->about:config to make changes while Firefox is running. "content-prefs.sqlite" contains only preferences dealing with specific web pages (such as "zoom level"). If you've got a specific configuration item in mind, please post back-- I'll try and tell you how to get at it.
Now, for anyone who is thinking about trying out FF3.1 -- the first thing you do is zip up your *ENTIRE* FF3.0 profile tree, so that you can go back in case something breaks. The second thing you do is backup your bookmarks to a JSON-type backup file.
If you run into a problem page, try this: Go into your "About:Config" as above. in the "filter" line, type "jit". this will leave only two prefs showing: = false
javascript.options.jit.content = true
right-click on the "content" pref, and Toggle it to "false". You have just turned off Tracemonkey Just-In-Time, and your page might reload correctly. (Don't switch the chrome to "true", unless you really WANT to hunt for bugs inside extension code, and inside Firefox itself.... let the Firefox Devs squash the bugs which happen while viewing external pages first.) If the page then works, you have found a TM bug instance-- post your page over on and one of us "volunteer tester" people probably take a look and see if it's a match for one of the already-known bugs, or (gasp!) a new one.
Two last things: That very exotic, wide-ranging "patch to library" Extension is wonderful, provides fixes for a variety of "Places" nastiness which came about with FF3.1. But it's a "test" extension, you'll need to create an ID on in order to get it.
Finally, stretching out the comment by AC @17:28: Be sure to also "pile on" the Adblock plus "element hiding helper", a great GUI for selecting and creating Adblocks right on the screen (the element you've defined blinks within a bright red rectangle.
I have another "absolutely indispensable" nomination for you all: FireGestures. Gotta have it!
If you want to try my entire stack of extensions, you can get them all in about 4 steps-- then delete the ones you DON'T want afterwards. But be absolutely sure, after you install my "Firefox 3+ "Powerpack", to search for updated versions immediately after the restart which activates them. And then restart again. Here, at the top of the page: