But thats not an official gold iphone 5s
It's (as stated in the tweet she posted) an anodised iPhone 5 done by anostyle.com ... and was tweeted a year ago.
399 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jul 2008
When was the last time Apple described anything as revolutionary at an iPhone launch?
On a two year contract cycle, the only people seeing the 5S as an upgrade option have an iPhone 4S or something from the android stable two years ago, both of which will be tired by now.
The 5S is a fine upgrade option for anyone who has a two year old phone who is interested in an iPhone. I can't understand what all the fuss is about.
We obviously have very different ideas about what intense use is. Because in the six months I had my Note II I was using it what i would consider intensely and it wouldn't last the full 16-18 hours that I wanted it while I was awake.
When I was admitted to hospital in January I immediately ordered two replacement batteries and charger for them.
It's not the only irritant, but yeah... I like to take a lot of pictures. Although most get deleted later.
To be fair the Note is tired now. It's had very, very heavy use since early January. I've been in and out of hospitals fighting the good fight against cancer. It's probably had two years regular use in 3 months. Frankly the sight of the thing reminds me of the smells of the hospital and the nausea of the chemo.
Also, I kinda wanna scratch the iOS itch while I can do it for free.
I've had the Note II since October and been fairly happy with it overall. The size is just about manageable, but lately I've become irritated by it being a bit unwieldy if you want to take a quick pic one handed (while pushing a pram, holding kids hand etc).
So, one extreme to the other, mid way through my contract its going and I'm giving the wife's iphone 4S a go when she upgrades. That'll be interesting after 3 years of using 3 different android phones.
5.5" down to 3.5" screen... I find myself giddy in anticipation of what I'll do with the spare pocket space.
I'm a financial controller. People often assume thats the same as a financial advisor, and ask me various questions on investments or pensions. Or worse, they think I'm a mortgage advisor. Or they assume its the same as being an accountant and ask me to help with a tax return, or the books for their new business idea.
When I explain I only deal with corporate finance and making sure we set and adhere to budgets and targets that our Austrian overlords will like they look puzzled, and then continue asking about their personal finance issues.
Isn't one of many restrictions to the orion project that the craft would be incredibly heavy. Meaning construction in space. Meaning putting a lot of nuclear weapons in orbit... which frankly no nation is going to be happy about.
China or Russia: "oh you are just putting them all up there to send a probe to another star. Fine. Please do. Don't mind us and our orbiting under construction arsenal of nuclear power sources for our intragalactic probe will you ... we thought it was such a good idea we'd make one too, hope you don't mind"
The problem with the note 2 is that it seems like a halfway-house between phone and tablet for about ten minutes. And then the screen seems a normal size, a. All other phones seem tiny by comparison.
So, your "massive" tablet-phone suddenly doesnt seem so big. So for media consumption you're going to want a tablet. Ideally a big one since a 7" one wont look much bigger. The Note 2 is not a replacement for a tablet.
Posted from my Samsung Galaxy Note II.
I had a HTC for my previous two handsets and if asked 6 months ago I would say I would have another. Upgrade time arrived and I bought a Note II. Thats not to say my satisfaction with HTC declined 8n those 6 months... I just found something else I liked that wasn't from them.
My wife isn't happy with her 4S since seeing the epic screen on my phone. But wouldnt want anything bigger. So would she go apple again? The new one is bigger.... but she likes apple. I'm rambling.
They aren't in this fight because this is a fight being publicised & financed by Amazon, on their own website. Of course they aren't going to compare to the Nexus 7.
"Hey, I hear you're after an iPad mini ... well, have you considered the Kindle Fire HD? Its better & cheaper ... oh, but did you also realise you can get an even better & cheaper product from Google? No? Well, go check it out at google.co.uk/nexus and then you can order from them direct and cut us out completely! You're welcome."
Nope. Not going to happen.
Assembled by, and designed by are not the same thing.
Apple designs its own chips and then passes the specs to someone for manufacture. So the performance of said chip is not identical to a similar item churned out at the same factory, but designed elsewhere.
Where i work we make packaging. Sometimes the customer provides the spec, sometimes our in-house design team does the work from scratch. A carton of identical size may have a very different specification in terms of material used, shape and size of tabs and interlocking components, tearaways etc.
Just because samsung production lines manufacture components doesn't mean they designed them. Its just very good business to utilise the spare capacity you have in your factory to make a margin from someone elses product :)
Companies have been repacking older tech and selling it on years later for ages. Apple is not the first and will not be the last.
Smaller iPad2, maybe. But then you could argue that the PS Vita isn't much more than a PS2 thats been shrunk down a bit, and I can pick up a PS2 on ebay for next to nothing, so by the same virtue an iPad mini should be really cheap - oh, wait, it costs less than the iPad 2. Erm.
To be fair, it might scare the parent of the kid if the parent was someone that Saville (allegedly, but more than likely) fiddled with back in their youth. But the kid themselves is as likely to be scared of any old man mask ... since they will have little or no idea who he was.
I've always liked Connery but disliked Moore. As most Connery bond fans seem to do.
I was against the casting of Daniel Craig right up untilbI saw Casino Royale trailers and realised how much of a fantastic job he does.
Comparing across decades is difficult. But for me, I think Craig just takes top spot over Connery. He actually looks like someone tough enough for the stunts bond does.
I voted Brosnan though, because the films were a bit pants but as a Bond he was really good.
To be fair, it's true. A regular sized phone does seem like a tiny little toy by comparison after just a short time spent using the Note. My wife pointed me toward her iPhone 4S last night and asked me to read the message she just received while she was doing something else. I picked it up, and its just tiny... almost comically small by comparison. And i've only had my Note for a week.
But yes, sometimes its a bit too big. One handed use is not as easy as it is with a <4" screen. But for general use when you've both hands available to you, its an absolute delight to have a screen that big. Flipping it round into landscape in the sms or email or music apps gives you split screen with content on one side and list on the other. Which is handy, if not essential. And while yes, a tablet or tv would be better for watching a movie, i watched an hour of The Dark Knight on my lunchbreak the other day and at a distance of about 18 inches it was no smaller than watching it on my tv in my living room from the sofa.
Just ordered myself one of these in white. Upgrading from a HTC Desire S... which only has a 3.7" screen. Huge difference in size, nearly 50% bigger screen diameter. Awesome !!
The screen resolution is superb by comparison. Desire S is 800 vertical pixels x 480 horizontal.
is it too big? I just drew out the measurements on a piece of paper, laid my HTC on top of it to get an idea of the scale. Then folded the paper to make it the same size as the shape i drew. Fits well in my hand (though no depth to it really), so should be just fine for me. Will take some getting used to though. And i dont think my car cradle will fit it, might need a new one. Although i could possibly fit wheels to the phone and ride to work like a skateboard.
Just seen the 32GB N7 story elsewhere. Wont be buying until December either way anyway, "just in case" something spectacular and as yet unannounced appears last minute.
I think ultimately we need an iPad mini to keep the wife happy and a N7 to keep me happy. Although since i've now got a Galaxy Note II with a 5.5" screen perhaps a 7 inch tablet is a pointless investment for me lol
I had just managed to convince the wife that an iPad is too expensive for christmas and we should get a Nexus 7 instead ... now she will learn of this (presumably) cheaper alternative iPad and want one of those again.
I'd started getting used to the idea of a Nexus too. And they sell it in John Lewis ... and i have a £100 voucher as a result of that Natwest disaster earlier in the year.
Last time i checked I was a European, and strongly object to the whole idea of mobile phone insurance, regardless of cost for both phone and insurance.
I know someone who works at carphone warehouse, and he actually considers people tight if they don't sign up to insurance deals. Nonesense. You weigh up how you will treat your expensive new toy with how much it will cost you not to make an insurance claim, and you decide its not worth it. This is something the americans seem to understand, but too many of us over here are convinced by chatty sales staff that insurance is a catch all solution to the disasters that await the phone the minute it comes out of the box.
Surely we can't consider 5 million phones sold in 72 hours to be a failure on the basis that some bloke guessed it would be double that? Now, if Time Cook had said during his presentation that they estimate 10m units to sell in the first weekend, yes, it would be a let down... but still impressive in of itself.
Five MILLION iPhone 5 sold in a few days is amazing really.
I personally know someone who was in a queue for five and a half hours to get his hands on one on launch day... an interesting experience, apparently, but not one he will repeat.
Any product that causes millions of people around the world to queue outside stores for hours to get hold of it is not a failure. And those people are, by default, idiots, just because they choose to join that line. The person i know who did so is a very clever guy, and is tech savvy. And he knew he could have pre-ordered and had it on launch day (just like his brother did), but he wanted to experience the whole thing ... and apparently many people around him in the queue said they were there for the same reason.
All this would require a lot of time and effort. The phones are in the shops, people are buying them, other sites are releasing reviews and hands-on experiences all over the place. If El Reg dont jump in quick with something called a review for an iPhone 5, just imagine the lost traffic from people searching for a review ... and then the lost advertising revenue.
You dont think they provide these reviews for our benefit do you? Or that they drop the word iPhone into any phone review, and iPad into any tablet review, just for giggles?
There's a lot to be said for individual choice. We are all (most of us, anyway) capable of making our own choices. I don't see any reason why so many people are so quick to call someone an idiot if they don't fall in line with their own ideals.
"iPhone 5 is garbage, iOS is tripe... Android isn't locked in" etc doesn't really help anything. It makes us all look petty.
I use an Android phone. My wife has an iPhone 4S, and before that she also had an Android phone. She's happy with her phone. It does what she wants it to, and it doesn't go about things in a particularly complicated way. This is one of the best aspects of iOS in my opinion.
Android can be a complicated beast at times. I suggested it to my own mother when she needed to replace her ancient phone and wanted one that could do emails and IM for quick easy updates from my sister and myself on how the kids are doing etc. She can do the basics, but doesn't really see the point of all the bells and whistles like widgets. In fact, aside from a few basic setting toggles I dont bother with widgets myself. I have 2 home screens containing frequently used apps, and the rest stay in the app drawer out of my way. I could just as easily be using iOS instead.
The argument doesn't stand up either that once you're locked into the iOS ecosystem you have to stay there because of all your apps etc. If someone has the money to pay £200 to upgrade to the newest version of the iPhone, they probably have enough money to get a free high end Android and pay to replace a mountain of apps if they want to. Theres no difference. But its a simple fact that convenience is for many people something that is worth sticking with. If you are happy with the way your iPhone works, why would you swap over and get an Android phone instead? And vice versa. The iPhone isn't quite for me at the moment, but then neither are the highest spec Androids that have huge screens etc.
Am I missing something? Is there something in my Android phone that I can activate to make me despise iOS? If so, I suggest a lot of you turn that feature off, because you sound like morons.
Loving the way you assume people would want to mess around and replace the OS on their mobile phone with something completely different. In the real world, I don't know a single person who has done this. Not one. 99% of the people i know wouldn't want to, and the remaining 1% wouldn't bother if they did want to.
Its like saying "hey, you know, if you don't like that new windows start screen you would be able to get around that if you installed Ubuntu instead!!" ... not many people would take you up on it.