is this really the main worry of the UK gov't these days?
title says it all. I think they'd better get the country of our its current mess, and then, maybe then consider to utterly piss of the public (once again). no?
40 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Apr 2007
That's right cuz electricity itself just grows naturally, right? It ain't produced by burning oil/coal/natural gas, ever. Also the lithium-ion batteries, all few hundred kilos of 'em are probably zero emission products and they are, after all, extremely easy to dispose of, at the end of their life cycle. very, very environment friendly stuff. In IT we've been educated on the so called TCO. if similar principles were applied on these marketing items, that'd be great.
what a huge pile of BS...
By all means and purposes, Samsung should be able to make amazingly cool laptops. I seriously wonder when they find "it", the design/functionality/material combo that lives up to the expectations. I haven't seen a single desirable portable from them, but I hope it's just the question of time. It would be good to have some competition to the Vaio. Their TVs are feature-packed, top notch things. Come on, guys a bit more effort here, please.
while I understand the frustration and the mood about this whole crap, I don't like the fact that the pilots want to turn their rage against the public.
destroying the travel plans of tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) is not a solution to a political problem.
the union should arrange for example a ban on flying politicians. that'll teach them shiny green peoples.
but leave the public out of it, please. we've got our lives to live.
what I find infuriating is when they claim 250 hours standby time for _any_ phone.
sure if it's switched off, sim removed, it might be ok for 10 days then. but wtf does that have to do with real life?
it would make a lot more sense if they told the truth: you'll need to charge it every other day.
fair enough - but why BS about it?
I used to have a nokia 6110, not sure how many here remember it. even that didn't go for a full week (using it like 2 hours a day), let alone 10 days for crying out loud.
There's probably a user's manual for the airport workers and this manual includes something along the lines of "weapons or items that might look like weapons" so they, in one sense, we right.
But by COMMON sense (lawyers, politicians, civil servants are trying damn hard to kill this one, entirely), this is something to fire both the first worker and his boss for.
Of course, not in Britain. Nobody here gets fired for utter incompetence.
Paris, because... well, because... she wouldn't ever wear such T-shirt perhaps?
After you and your green types manage to get 4x4 cars are banned, please don't forget to regulate how large of a flat people are allowed to live in (say 15sq feet per person, anything larger just cannot be justified), also ban people from having second bathrooms, then ban larger than necessary backyards, larger than 21 inch TV sets, and the list goes on and on. Ideally it should be regulated how much people can eat on any given day, to protect our environment. Those will be the days, mate.
re: Go Ken!
My friend, at some point of your life you might be able to get a decent job, a decent place to live, and you'll even be able to afford a car (Not a Rangey or a Cayenne or an X5 or an Aston or a Jag - they'll be long gone by then.You'll be stuck with a Tata)
Most likely not tomorrow, but you may get there. However, by that time you'll be paying excess penalty for water, electricity, gas, and even sunlight usage, if things go on like this in the UK. The only thing I'm asking is to remember this thread then.
I'm just waiting for the day when I can get from Earl's Court to Canary Wharf without a signal failure or other delays. Also waiting for the day when the tube cars are properly cleaned and get air conditioned. And when a montly pass for zones 1 and 2 costs less than leasing a _decent_ car. And when it's not the goddam buses causing 90% of the congestion in Central London. I think there are about 8 million people that could continue my rant.
point is, charge car drivers when fucking public transport is AFFORDABLE and WORKS - in other words, when it's a convenient alternative.
Has anyone mentioned these changes to the people that still have jobs in Solihull?
one point I'd argue with is the recording length. I don't know about you, but since the days of high speed connections and multiple PCs in my home(s), I wouldn't for my life use and wait for optical media for backups - how long to burn 50 gigs? And what about when you're not at home but work remotely on your box? How do you insert and replace the DVDs?
I backup across PCs, in a set once, and then forget about it way. Cannot forget, cannot "shit I've got to get disks" cannot "damn it won't fit", etc. It's hot.
well, those companies/websites should have a webmaster@ or WORKING abuse@ or similar email address that, if they are unable to monitor it, should go to their ISP or outsourced contractor or whoever runs their site. Again, if you're on 24/7, then it should be your responsibility to be somehow accountable and available the same 24/7.
As others mentioned earlier, this is the really crucial point. I manage a huge website that gets phished or otherwise abused often. It is absolutely imperative that I can look up and contact the owner of the given domain, be it registered in the the States, in the UK or anywhere else in the world. I think there should be a valid email and a valid phone number for each and every domain in the WHOIS databases. And I would make it mandatory for people to check and respond to these addresses 24/7, or else.
Look, if you want to be present somewhere 24/7, that comes with responsibility. I don't care if you're a multinational corporation or an individual, you're on the internet, and please provide a way for your neighbours to contact you. Guess you do want them to put out the fire when you're not at home, right?
yeah, and it's interesting that whenever I want something from the bank, they check and double check and triple check whether it's me and indeed me changing my (and only my) address. So one definitely wants to ask the question of: HOW. (not looking for an answer here, I think everyone gets my point)
EvilFairy, check the first comment, posted by Anon. IANAL, but I think the poster correctly sees what the purpose of this law is. I think we can agree that we'd all be better off without those guys not only in the UK, but on the whole continent. So there is some logic to this law. Enforcement and abuse are totally separate questions.
can all the idiots please leave 4x4s alone. if you can't afford one, tough shit. if you don't like them, tough shit. others like them, use them, pay the price of them, the gas, the higher insurance, you name it. instead, try asking your mp what exactly all that tax money is spent on.
limiting to 100 Mph - I wonder when they will attempt to limit how many times I fart a day. what a bloody nonsense.
how about corporations getting by on a 10% lower profit rate instead? I sure as hell wouldn't pay that premium while over half my money is taken by the government in taxes and VAT. and now green crap lies to generate even higher inflation? thanks, but no thanks. keep the overpriced green stuff and shove it up.
I often work/access the internet and internet banking from not only home, but other places, too. it would be a major pain in the ass to have to bother with this thing. There are places where banks send you an SMS when u want to enter your account, when you initiate a payment, and when a payment is actually made. be it direct debit, standing order, whatever attended or unattended transfer. when your balance changes above a pre-set limit, there's an SMS to you. I consider that a helluvalot more consumer friendly that bulky devices that may or may not work in the first place.