* Posts by tnetech

3 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Jul 2008

Street View spycar prowls Inverness


Google?? It's hard to believe

My view is that Google street View should be illegal. Why? Invasion of privacy.

Here in Australia, where I live anyway you can't just go around taking photo's and video and posting on the net. In fact, the town I live in you need to get a licence to take pictures in certain parks, for example for a wedding!

I find it so hard to believe that you can have one of these 'beauties' roll down your street and snap you in your front yard or your car in your driveway or whatever and because it's Google its OK.

Although I am usually a Microsoft basher imagine the outcry if this was Redmond doing this.

It's bad enough that Google keep all our search records, and check a record of every clip you have ever watched on Youtube but now they are taking pictures of our front yards and posting on the net.

IT Angle

Google?? You're kidding

Here in Australia, where I live anyway you can't just go around taking photo's and video and posting on the net. In fact, the town I live in you need to get a licence to take pictures in certain parks, for example for a wedding!

I find it so hard to believe that you can have one of these 'beauties' roll down your street and snap you in your front yard or your car in your driveway or whatever and because it's Google its OK.

Although I am usually a Microsoft basher imagine the outcry if this was Redmond doing this.

It's bad enough that Google keep all our search records, and check a record of every clip you have ever watched on Youtube but now they are taking pictures of our front yards and posting on the net.

News & Views, Installation Guides and How To's


Google deigns to comply with a privacy law


Privacy Statement?

Anyone who thinks that there is privacy on the internet is kidding themselves. Servers keep logs, that what they do. They serve content and keep logs. Everything is logged, everything.

One day shortly a judge will turn over the logs of some file sharing site/bit torrent site and the copyright owners will start chasing their royalties.

Viacom just got the Youtube logs, this is only the start i think.

Whether its Google, Yahoo, Microsoft or your local ISP they will eventually have to produce their logs. There is too much money involved for the free-for-all that the internet had became to continue!
