A better idea
Send the Department of Family Services to take children away from parents who are accused of violating the basic tenets of the Southern Baptist Church.
Which is what Ah-nuld and his Reprehensican cronies really want, anyway.
When I was about 5 or 6, people like Jack Thompson claimed that toy guns would cause cause children to grow up with violent tendencies. Oddly, outside of my military service, I have never owned a real gun, nor committed any more serious crime than minor traffic infractions. My parents taught me that fantasy and reality are different. Steroids won't change that, and neither will video games.
I would venture that, 300 years ago, people like Jack Thompson put forth the theory that children who were allowed to play with toy bows and wooden swords would grow up to become treasonous rebels living in the forest of Sherwood and waylaying innocent noblemen. Apparently, there were very few such highwaymen; go figure!
Sarcasm aside, if the parents are doing their jobs, the kids will not be any more (nor less) violent than they would be otherwise. If the parents are *not* doing their jobs, the kids will get the games they want, they will get the condoms, birth-control pills, alcohol, "recreational" drugs, and so on - and won't really have any grasp on why they shouldn't do such things.
So, to Der Governator, I say: Get your own house in order, brother, before you stick your nose into my bedroom and my child-rearing pratices. You're likely to pull back a face without a nose.