* Posts by anglo

2 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jul 2008

Fasthosts brings down Edugeek - and leaves it there


who do you suggest?

I've been with fh for a while. Can't say I like them much, but I've always thought "better the devil you know". However, reading more & more horror stories makes me wonder when it will be my turn.

Who are the better low-budget hosters?

Built-in browser expiry proposed to fight botnet menace


many reasons for not updating IE

I only use IE in windows on a virtual machine to test the kind of mess it makes of my web-design. I have to test IE5, 6 & 7 as each version make it's own particular kind of mess. No doubt IE8 will introduce some new hellish experiences for web-designers.

Being as the wretched programme is an intrinsic part of the operating system, I would never allow it to connect to the internet on a non-virtual machine. I would never let M$oft update it & mess my system about.

My golden rule is never allow any M$ programme to connect to the internet. Use a non-M$ firewall & you can probably get away with using windows.

After applying sp2 to my virtual XP in order to get IE7 & seeing just how horrible the whole process is for XP windows users I have no surprise at all that people don't bother to update.