Maybe the user should listen but you knew they didn't, so its up to your staff to make sure the documents are backed up before wiping.
Posts by Vetis
24 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jul 2008
When the IT department speaks, users listen. Or face the consequences
Another German state plans switch back from Linux to Windows
BBC Telly Tax heavies got pat on the head from snoopers' overseers
Capita having access to RIPA powers is obscene but this has been abused by every agency to access it so far I believe.
BBC is £ 150 a year, netflix is £95.88. Amazon Prime is the same so combined are £191.76. So 12 a month vs 15.
Compare everything on netflix and amazon to the garbage the bbc puts out. half a day of light entertainment, hours on end of the same news, a cop show. In addition you would get amazon music, free delivery, a free twitch sub (worth £43 a year in itself if you sub to someone on twitch), prime reading\kindle. I know which I prefer. £3 extra is a bargain.
Report: Women make up just 17% of IT workforce, paid 15% less than men
then you take them to court and prosecute but that never happens. The "same role" often means roles of the same value as when checkout workers (mostly women) complained of discrimination because they got paid less than warehouse (mostly men).
Their solution wasn't to go work in the warehouse and it never is.
Help desk declared code PEBCAK and therefore refused to help!
daily i wish
The favourites I have experienced are:
User: The hard drive hasn't finished loading. Me: that's the used and free space not a loading bar.
User: I can't type, the keyboard isn't working so I can't login. Me: connects, clicks in the username box. Try now.
User: This box says to close Outlook for this install to finish, what do i do?
User: I can see your remote connection request, do I click allow or deny?
BBC Telly Tax petition given new Parliament debate date
Amazon prime (7.99) and netflix (7.49) together = 185 a year. TV license is £145. But with those I also get amazon music, unlimited free delivery, twitch prime. Its so much better value. The BBC seems to be mostly light\reality entertainment, cop shows, news and panel quiz shows. Its only surviving now because of nostalgia for what it used to put out.
UK not as keen on mobile wallets as mainland Europe and US
Nearly three-quarters of convicted TV Licence non-payers are women
You're right, we don't care for it and if it wasn't for nostalgia neither would most people.
Looking at the TV guide for tomorrow, Tuesday, tv is only on between 9am and 12 - its news other than that. Of those 15 hours, there are 3 more hours of news so 12 left which will be the same that was on all the rest of the day.
2 hrs 45 minutes of cop\detective shows, 5 and a half hours of reality light entertainment (flog it,homes under the hammer etc). Other slots taken up by quizshows 90% of the time.
Most of that is on every day, its hardly the most diverse and interesting lineup. Haven't watched live tv in many years and obviously haven't missed out. The tv license is about the cost of Netflix and Amazon prime. Without the music, delivery and other benefits and the original shows put on by both of those shame the bbc.
Are you a Tory-voting IT contractor? Congrats! Osborne is hiking your taxes
YouTube bloggers told to slap 'advert' stickers on their vid posts
Windows 10 marks the end of 'pay once, use forever' software
Windows 10: Buy cheap, buy twice, right? Buy FREE ... buy FOREVER
Microsoft and Oracle are 'not your trusted friends', public sector bods
Free Windows 8 desktop app development is dead
Eddie Murphy heading for worst movie ever glory
Workers can't escape Windows 8 Metro - Microsoft COO
First: I have to admit to using Vista at home, installed it when it was released and I've never had a problem with it.
Im using the 8 CP and i don't get why bars and buttons are getting bigger on a lot of programs while actual useful space is declining. They even removed the classic theme which I have been using since XP. The OS should be in the background letting you run what you want, not the main feature of the PC.
Nintendo takes control with next-gen games console
Virgin Media 'overwhelmed' by broadband customers fleeing BT
Spider-Man director to helm World of Warcraft
Chrome OS: Windows killer?
upgrading to shiny new things when you dont need to
The Excel thing..really? Not sure what the point of that was but most of the article screamed..what is new and shiny is good and what is old and tested is bad..even if it works and does everything you need it to. upgrading for the sake of it is just stupid. is there something vital missing from the older version?
This quote also says the same "more focused on design attributes which drive the consumerist desires we all share". You might, I look for features vs price.
get the shiny things! oo same thing but different colours? must pay full price again.
Sex offender email monitoring plan mothballed
Gamer suspended from Xbox Live after saying she's gay
agree with AC
It's a gaming network, your orientation should have no place in it.
Unless she was using it to try and pick up others as that is the ONLY reason to include it. I think this is one of the reasons why, they dont want Xbox live to turn into a pickup joint.
Agree with AC in that why do people need to shout about certain things when it clearly has no place in the arena they are venting it in.
Are the ice caps melting?

Not sure why its on the reg but love the article.
Its a shame more newspapers don't do long term temperature trend analysis over one day "hottest day since gates of hell opened etc.." scare stories, but then people would be informed. But I guess "ice caps bigger than x years ago, temp pretty much varies but stable with some variance over last 100 years" isn't an exciting headline.
Virgin warns 800 punters for file-sharing

New news story
"As part of this we don't make any kind of accusation about the user — it could be somebody else in their house, their block of flats or they might have an open Wi-Fi connection," said the spokesman.
"We can't point the finger at the account holder, but we can point out what's happening with their connection. Often it's a lack of education that's causing the problem."
So Virgin wont be cutting anyone off, they are leaving it to the rights holders or representatives to take action as it has been for some time already.