It's a quality product.
Given the fact that they can't even configure the site to display correctly in Chrome should tell you everything you need to know.
253 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Apr 2007
Sam Yagan, who is currently CEO of the Match Group ultimate owners of this pointless website solely designed to fleece disadvantaged members of society, donated $500 to Barack Obama in 2007 and 2008 back when he still opposed gay marriage. Also they still use Java on the site. Wouldn't want to stop those poor saps who pay for their bullshit "service". Try creating an account with these charlatans and see what "matches" you get.
"One should not use signs that can be confused with public signs," section chief Elisabeth Bechmann fumed.
Really? You think your fellow citizens are that stupid? Maybe YOU are. I've been to Finland, they're very switched on. Beside Putin has you on his list to annex, so I'd start complaining about that rather than a bit of tomfoolery.
"Secondly, have you given any though to what happens to your wallet in the event of your death or a head trauma that causes you to forget your passwords? An unencrypted wallet in cold storage might be better for your family than a heavily encrypted one."
You've heard of an old skool technology that is completely off grid and unlikely to suffer from data loss if kept in a drawer let's say for example where you keep your passport and other important documents? It's called pen and paper.
Is it me or does anyone else see that the appalling grammar and spelling mistakes in the "English" replies made by these time wasting fucktards clearly point to the same knob jockey pretending to be Anonymouse (this is the correct spelling) all over the world? Alternatively maybe they're all just plain stupid.
Fair use automagically excludes COMMERCIAL use. It doesn't matter that they don't make money directly by charging you to read the excerpts, Google uses the information commercially to make money by targeting ads at you, the reader. It's just another example of how big business runs Ameerka. Google has virtually unlimited funds and so simply ignores the law by paying off sorry convincing stupid Yank judges that "it's for the good of the humanity." Bollox. It's to further line the pockets of Google shareholders. End of.
"Other nutjobs suggested the Bilderberg Group had persuaded Google to stash a few nuclear bombs in there, so it could blow up the US whenever it fancied getting cracking on the much-delayed New World Order project."
Bearing in mind that the initial reason for the Bilderberg meetings was to tackle the perceived anti-Ameerkan sentiment in Europe in the mid 50's it seems the retards suggesting the above have no IQ at all.
In space terms, the mission is fairly cheap. Nonetheless, some observers are surprised that a country with such visible problems with poverty would spend its dosh on sending a probe to Mars.
Have you heard of the fascist Republic of USA? 46 MEELION people in poverty. Still spunking BEELIONS on NASA.
I have no problem with religion, each to their own but I'll just quote from from Rev 11:18 "God will bring to ruin those ruining the earth". If you're going to get God involved, at least read the book fully. Clearly the Biblical God is well aware mankind can indeed ruin the earth. Inhofe is a tit, that's the problem, not that he believes in God.
One in six Ameerkans are now in receipt of Food Stamps (now now as SNAP I think) that's about 50 MEEELION people. USA is bankrupt, hated by most of the rest of the world and run by tossers. It won't be any kind of force to be reckoned soon certainly within my lifetime, much like the UK is now. China and India will be the new world powers. USA can lay claim to as much of the Moon as they want, the rest of us will just point and giggle at the retards they keep electing.
I'm sorry but if you can't work out how to use one then perhaps you should consider a new career, one that isn't in the technology sector.
As to women in IT, I couldn't give a toss about your gender, ethnic background or religious views any more than I do about the colour of your hair. Pass the technical test and the job's yours.
The USA executes criminals with mental health issues, won't sign up to the ICC and basically thumbs its nose at basic human rights. Why would you want to spend a holiday there? Perhaps for the culture? The only things that the USA has brought to the global party are gun crime, chronic obesity and litigation.
All stealth bombers are upgraded with Cyberdyne computers, becoming fully unmanned. Afterwards, they fly with a perfect operational record. The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes online on August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware 2:14 AM, Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.
Diesel generators will run on vegetable oil ( I have run a Merc 190D on veg oil bought at Costco and poured straight into the tank) and petrol generators can run on ethanol (minor teaking required to induction) and both these power sources are sustainable. Perfect for developing countries and of course post apocalypse.
As far as one can tell the subsidy from other parts of the UK to Scotland is currently at least £22 billion a year. Public spending in England is about £7,500 per person, in Scotland it is more than £9,000. Since the Scottish Parliament was created in 1999, public spending has outstripped tax generated there by 45 per cent.
Perhaps my post was a little unclear, my bad. Google has a massive PR machine telling us it's warm and fuzzy and has as part of it's company dogma "Don't be evil". It then employs the same kind of corporate "it's available so why shouldn't we just go ahead and use it" attitude to generating income using my equipment. Google is a corporation, I am an individual. If it wants to make use of Wi-Fi to generate another income stream it should negotiate a deal with other corporate entities who use Wi-Fi routers. Being ethical make business a little harder, not impossible.