Will it play danger zone?
446 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jul 2008
well after a trip to Aintree best buy in scouserpool im seriously considering the Archos stuff (even if it is French) the trouble is im not sure if i should get the 10in screen or the 7in! im thinking of using it to read Comic Book archives so a big screen would be good, the connectivity options look excellent too. its something to have a mess about with too! id like to fumble in androids nether bits more
I agree totally, its why ive moved onto a HTC desire (due to arrive today unless a scally neighbour robs it)
the first time i used symbian i thought it was great but ive seen it quickly overtaken, my last symbian phone is my 5800 and unless they pull there britches up it'll be the last which is a shame because the n8 looks a great bit of kit, its just got the wrong OS on
well after being a nokia lover for so many years ive decided to jump ship, the n8 just didnt get here in time and im ordering my HTC desire. add to that the fact the 5800 ive had has gone batshit crazy after the last firmware update ive had enough of symbian, ive cut it slack for long enough
ashamedly i started my drinking career on rocky ground as a kid it was bass shandy and then swiftly onto bottles of white lightning, white diamond and white strike on t'old coal stacks in our town behind t'kwik save
things got worse when i started weaning myself on lager but luckily i started experimenting more in Uni and discovered the loveliness of proper beer, ive not had a chance to experience any proper CAMRA beer festivals as curiously they hold them in the week when most people work! other than that fantastic work by camra and its members to get real ale more recognised and more popular.
dont get me wrong i do still have lagers everynow and again but i frown on my stella swigging friend who thinks its like gods tears(!)
your talking out of your arse, i have a nokia 5800 because i refuse to be a sheep and the only time i have reception issues is if im in an area that might obviously suffer from signal reception like mountain areas or the goddamn sticks! and even then with a few bars i can make a call and get my point accross!
i hold my 5800 however bloody well i please and i great big man hands so its no problem for me, stop trying to point the finger at other people and fix your own houses problems
no one care what little bethany said at school today, no one cares you got a new hair doo, no one cares you have a hangover
facebook would be more tollerable without the inane updates people put on every day
no one gives a frak! make stupid updates a crime agaisnt the species
can the police do this to every twat driving a bmw, and audis and mercs and Range rovers
im not saying all the drivers of the above maques are twats just most of them
and while were at it whats the point of the BMW1 series that just says to me "oh look i have a 1 series because i couldnt afford a 3 series coupe on my pay grade
hyuck hyuck hyuck