Could it be because foraging is more dangerous?
Therefore for the investment made in creating an ant, you want to get your wear out of them with the safe tasks before risking them outside.
Makes sense to me.
201 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Jul 2008
But the guy is on the Football 365 site, even the "eight miles in the other direction" is a trope from there.
There's an 80 page thread on there about it.
He's mainly just having a laugh. If they hadn't been so heavy handed he might have just let them have it for a nominal fee.
As is, good luck to him.
looks rounded, rather than curved as in the iPad, IOW the edge will go out, then come in to the glass.
Seems...crap. The large iPad (maxi-pad?) is nicely designed and the edge of it is one of the most signature bit. Seems an odd thing to change.
Still, I reckon they'll fly off the shelves.
Apple jumped ahead with a quantum leap in smart-phone usability and build quality. Now the other manufacturers have caught up or exceeded them (still think the iPhone 4 is the best phone to hold) other differentiators will start to have an effect.
I think that's where Nokia can build on its traditional strengths - good reception, great cameras and bullet-proof build quality.
I'm 6 months away from the end of my contact but a 920 may be on the cards.
Start mining the asteroids, shipping the proceeds to Earth.
Start trading amongst the miners – no gravity well so it’s cheaper.
Asteroids declare independence.
Mining happens further and further out.
Eventually realise all you need is mass, and not that dot of a Sun.
Start to leave the solar system.
Hundreds of years later hit the Alpha Century system.
Thousands of years after that hit other solar systems.
Colonise them.
Do the same again.
At that point humanity is probably several dozen clades and might bump into FtL Earth ships near habitable planets – but they would never bother living in a gravity well anyway.
MS could have actually made some real gains with W8 - made it the OS you use when you want to get stuff done, rather than consume media.
In the time they've taken they could have re-written it to be safe from the ground up and far easier to use by building on what people already know how to do.
Instead they're chasing Apple like a cat after a laser. You'll be able to hear them hit the skirting board from here.
But we had a double disk failure on a HP SAN, a "one in several million" chance. Unfortunately this was caused by the controller firmware so could have happened again at any time. I wonder if their firmware was fully patched?
Luckily we'd built in proper redundancy (it was a pension company) and had bitwise VM backup to other-site machines so we were down for 20 minutes with very little data loss.
Of course, they ran off the same SANs, bought at the same time, which meant squeeky bum time while the SANs were replaced and upgraded - four weeks later as we had to wait for HP to test the patch.
Well....realistic is a bit much to ask. However
is coming out soon, made by the people who made
which I've heard had a very good melee combat engine.
*shrug* we'll see. a way of examining humanity.
Change the environment people are operating in, then see what their behaviour is. There are things that change and things that persist. The things that persist are what humanity actually is.
Snow Crash was brilliant, but Anathem is transcendental.
my singleship now please.
Survey asteroids over long period
Find the ones that have a high density from gravitation perturbations of the others
Send prospectors out in covered singleships
Find high densities of gold/platinum/uranium/unobtainium
Fit asteroid with ion motor
Fly it into L4
Melt it with solar mirrors
Spin it to refine
Let it cool
Take the lovely minerals
Match Earth velocity
Drop on desert region
I'm not much of a salesman.
If experience changed the general rule, I'd point to many Apple products that I've known that have lasted vs. many cheaper ones have broken.
I can't stand the cult but they make some good stuff.
I just wish MS had a better answer. Some of the stuff Apple gets a pass on MS would be eviscerated for.
So the old sell of "Wait a year and get a more powerful laptop" stopped being relevant, so people started to invest in ones that were good and would last.
At the time - and now - Apple made the best laptops - they looked good, lasted a long time and never went out of fashion.
So buy an Apple and have it last 5 years *and always look good* or buy (at the time) a Dell, have it break in 2 and look meh by 12 months old.
Lots of other factors of course but I think this had a major effect.
For websites we found most people have 3 passwords of various complexity that they always re-use. Force them to do something else and they forget them and are likely to use a standard guessable one. IOW, let people enter what they want to enter.
I'm all for password unblanking functionality as well. Off by default but if you're at home what does it matter if the cat can see over your shoulder? How many of us are in cyber-cafes logging in anyway?
Password blanking is the illusion of security, nothing more.
Yep - HP MicroServer with OMV is the way to go. Mine is happily serving content from the cupboard under the stairs via some TP-link homeplugs. Put 4 old 500Gb disks I had spare in there in a RAID 5.
Works a treat and got set up in about an hour.
Got it via my company, VAT back & £100 = ~ £110.
Absolute bargain.
And we will have different devices depending on what you want to do with it.
Consume it on the go - mobile phone
Consume it while stationary - tablets
Create is on the go - laptop
Create is while stationary - desktop
At home I've got a Linux server for my data, 2 iPhones, 3 iPads (Mrs + 2 kids really) & a fast desktop PC.
I think that's what most information workers will end up with eventually.
because we’re in a “maximising value” era of management. If you can boost the share price by losing 200 people off the wage bill then you do it, and need HR as an instrument to do so.
The fact that you’ve just fired the R&D staff and in 10 years the company will be nothing but a nostalgia brand held in the Caymans suits the management – the current management – down to the ground, as that’s where their winter home will be.
If we were in a “creating value” era, then engineers & techies would be valued and HR would be relegated to the clerical task it truly is.
I'd love to see the battle shown from the Empire’s point of view: guy drafted into the Stormtroopers, goes “in country” with his buddies, only to see them all taken down one-by-one by furry little bastards who live beyond the wire. With a kicking soundtrack – Fortunate son, Wipeout & finally The End.
Instant classic.