Re: experienced a technical issue the eSigner software
"A new Trojan virus is targeting users of Smart Cards by offering an update to the eSigner software”. - Actually that warning has been there for weeks - the bit about the failed routine upgrade is the new one.
As a previous poster said - what on earth were they doing changing something a day before the Bank Holiday, and not only that the last weekday before the end of the month - i.e. payday!
We finally managed to get our small suppliers payment run out on Friday after lots of wasted time and grief. I learnt years ago not to leave the Payroll until the last day, so that was uploaded some days ago.
I reckon the "a small number of customers have been having problems" readily translates as "anyone who tried to use our website". More Marketing bollocks - trouble is the more they do this the less credible their press releases become. If one day some bright spark at a UK bank decides to launch a decent product (unlikely I know) none of us will take a blind bit of notice.
But back to the salient point - what was going on in Barclays IT dept's brains to do an upgrade when they did? My only suggestions are - it isn't a Bank Holiday in Elbonia or whatever low wage hell-hole the website is outsourced to, or probably more likely they simply don't give a toss, and/or have a clue.
If only the competition had a better reputation - but by and large they don't.