Electric vs Hydrogen vs Cynical know-it-alls
"Simply moving the burning of fossil fuels from the car to the power-station doesn't really count."
Yes it does - I.C.Es are very inefficient at extracting the dense energy contained in oil based fuels, electric motors are much more efficient. Even with transmission losses... Can't remember where I read the figures - so I can't supply here.
"Come on guys give us the Hydrogen powered model!"
Why 'cos May said so on TG? Or cos you like the concept of inefficiency? Pure EVs are like 3 times more efficient than pure Hydrogen - and at least EVs *exist* albeit in early stages - hydrogen cars are still (water) vapour for consumers.
Don't forget that Lotus is also working with another Reg fave - Ecotricity - to power their entire Hethel production plant from wind energy. Hmmm - yes think about that... that just leaves the raw material processing to account for in terms of CO2 impact - especially if Lotus EV customers use Ecotricity too...
Jolly roger - cos pirate ships are wind powered arrrr ;-)