Re: Third time (un)lucky?
or, n fact, a tasted toecake!
17 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Jul 2008
Any video or animation on a web-page, that is superfluous to the content in which I'm interested, is NOT compelling - it is IRRITATING and DISTRACTING . If is an advert, I do notice the brand, but usually vow to avoid it like the plague for its unwelcome attack on my concentration.
I use every means and plug-in at my disposal to block out such adverts, in which case the brand never crosses my mind..
If I visit a website for shopping purposes, I usually know what I want and where to get it. Having made the purchase, I then don't want to be bored silly by repeated ads for something I am no longer searching for. So in my case, and many other's, the whole concept of data-pimping is totally counter-productive. By the time the targeted ads appear, I'm off looking for something else.