* Posts by Ben Duguid

4 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Jun 2008

UK.gov 'falls short' of legal obligation to enforce EC cookies Directive

Ben Duguid

I know what you mean...

I'd always read their previous guidelines as meaning that session cookies would be covered, which as an ASP.NET developer worried me because cookieless sessions make for very ugly URLs.

However, I notice that their banner warning/consent form states "one of the cookies [...] has already been set", and their privacy page now lists out the session cookie explicitly:


Ben Duguid

Apparently it's ok...

Because their consent banner states they have already set it.

Spotify's music manager makeover - does it work?

Ben Duguid


They introduced the changes this month. Details are on their blog:


Warning sounded over black hole in UK physics teaching

Ben Duguid

I know it's supposed to be a vocation...

But you have to be able to live... I looked into becoming a physics teacher a few years ago as a change of career, and decided that as I was also starting a family, now would not be a good time to take the sort of pay cut required, even with the "Golden Handshake" they were offering - I'd still have had to take a year out for teacher training, etc and then understandably start as a junior teacher, in the appropriate pay bracket.

Mine's the tweed one with the elbow patches.