Ignorance reigns supreme, it seems.
8 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jun 2008
"I just don't think we can correlate more child porn file traffic = more children being abused."
surely more child porn traffic means more children being abused. more demand for the content means more children are abused to generate it.
i can see the government using this p2p child porn evidence to damn p2p to hell and call everyone who uses torrents and p2p networks criminals...
I would wish upon a star that that company burns and dies!
My mother had to take them to court to get a TV we ordered... even the they f***ed us around.
They operate shops with poor service, range and poor security, although I won't go in to that here.
Their customer service sucks and I sincerely hope that some other massive electronics retail chain somehow spawns out of nowhere and takes over the UK consumer market.
the moment when a UAV bomber suddenly has some sort of error, being a hard or soft error, and it goes flying ground-wards with however many pounds of explosives on it...
i'm not entirely too keen on unmanned vehicles, air or otherwise, that are big/heavy enough to do some damage if they crash.