What they said v What they meant
What they said: "city officials said they were making progress in regaining control of the system, which is up and running but inaccessible."
What they meant: "the guy didn't SuperGlue the power buttons, which we've now located and we can power the servers up and down at will. Still can't get in but they go on and off nicely".
What they said: 'Mayor Gavin Newsom, said he was "confident that [the Department of Technology] is doing everything necessary to maintain the integrity of the city's computer networks"
What they meant: "Hey, if we can't get in then probably no other bugger can. That means our systems are "integrous", right ?"
What they're going to say: "Welcome to Information Retrieval".
What they're going to mean: "Welcome to Guantanimo. One orange jump-suit each. Line on the left".
Paris, 'cause one of those suits must look good on someone, surely !?