We bought a lot of new machines
10 and 11 appear to be running on the same number of computers here in Great Brexit Britain.
1127 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jun 2008
I needed to change my address for my MBNA credit card. (MBNA are part of the Lloyds Group.)
Logged into my online account and hunted around looking for the change address section.
There isn't one!
Their online website tells you to phone or......download the app and change your details on that. Because using the app to change your details is the easiest way to change your details. It said.
So I did. I downloaded the app, put my very complicated password into it. Waited for the confirmation code number to be delivered by txt and finally found the change address section. All while being logged in to my account.
To be fair, once logged into the app changing my address was very easy. I just don't know why they can't put that simply function in their web account service.
I've now deleted the app. I think I'll soon be cancelling the credit card.
Thanks Lloyds, you're making my life easier.
I fort the koala-tea of spelin ad gone dawn a bit an noow eye no wy.
Off cource u shud panda two th' masess. Yur a bizzness an hve too mak a scent or free. Spelin is difucult an jus coz it mackes mi brian hrut dunt meen u shundt pleeze de moist poople.
I luk fword too usin ur Crome extenstion an ope itll mack fings on ur sigth mutch ezier tu unnerstand.
Not my printer but my cheap Bluetooth headphones* have started speaking a Far Eastern dialect.
So far no luck with various button combinations bringing it back to heavily accented English.
Maybe attacking with a soldering iron might help.
*Blitzwolf AA-ER1. And the only words it says are 'power on' and 'power off'.
You must be a youngster!
As a child I can remember seeing bare wires on new electrical goods.
Then there was the scramble to find a screwdriver and something that could donate a plug until a new one could be bought. (Because the brown coat wearing shop boy would ask 'do you need a plug for that?' and the reply was always 'no, I've got a spare one at home.')
"Why on earth I would need an extra power supply while I already have (a) the old one and (b) many devices with either USB-A or USB-C format ports is beyond me"
Good for you. You don't need to add to the mountain of unwanted chargers. You can send one to the bloke in Brazil who's just decided to replace his decade old Nokia with its propriety charger.
"If there was something to be seen, it would be on video by now."
Well your puny human mind would jump to that conclusion but we, err, them aliens have cloaking devices, sensors to detect and evade recording devices and a map of every camera on your, err, the planet.
Also humans are easy to fool. 'Look over there! A elliphunt!!'
" records coming from new artists like Adele, Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish."
New artists? Adele's first release 2007. Swift's 2006. Hardly new artists. Eilish's recording career stretches all the way back to 2017.
And isn't the vinyl revolution being lead by the likes of Fleetwood Mac, Oasis and Pink Floyd?
Anyway I only came here to say that the Ikea turntable is an ugly looking lump.
I bought a new laptop a month or so back and it came with Windows 11.
It took a few tries but using Classic Shell and Winaero Tweaker I've managed to get it looking like my Win 10 machine.
I miss the Notifications thingy from the far right of the taskbar and Task Manager now means pressing WinKey+X and a mouse click. But on the whole I'm getting used to it. Only software I'm having trouble running is Darktable photo workflow. And that could be a hardware problem. My old machine was picky with certain USB sticks.
My only complaint is about the laptop trackpad. Whose idea was it to put clicky buttons under the trackpad surface? It's crazy! Go to click an icon and the pointer moves.
Still I'm pretty impressed that a £400 laptop with Iris XE hardware can play Tomb Raider (Square Enix version) at 60fps!
Well done to Callum. Designing a logo for anything is difficult; just look at the terrible designs produced by 'grown up professionals'.
Further congratulations are surely due to Callum for confusing any aliens that might come across the discarded bit of rocket his logo is on. They'll never find our planet with it's ice beard disguise.
(On a personal note: I hate competitions of this sort. Why isn't there NEVER a category for artistically inept old duffers? Not that I'd enter, I just don't like the discrimination.)