* Posts by insanity

9 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jun 2008

Virgin Media: SO SORRY we fined your dead dad £10 for unpaid bill


Re: When my mother died

Unfortunately, dying is not a way to escape debts. Whether or not you agree with this, the cold facts of the matter are that your debts as well as your assets make up your estate, and that is all inherited by your next of kin.

I'm not saying that companies shouldn't act more considerately, and perhaps allow retrospective cancellation of the account from the date of death (without applying any silly 30 day notice periods or anything), but unpaid bills need to be paid regardless.

Samsung and LG hit with MASSIVE price fixing fine


Re: Locked hadsets are wrong...

Oh, silly me. Just because it's small, it must be inexpensive to develop and bring such products to market, and so we should be able to buy them for 99p. Tell you what, why don't you start making phones that can rival the iPhone and the Samsung Galaxy S II, and sell them for a lot less money. Once you've done that, come back and tell us all, and we'll all be really impressed, I promise.


Re: Locked hadsets are wrong...

You obviously know of these possible alternatives, so why don't you enlighten the rest of us?


Re: Locked hadsets are wrong...

> a setup that does not really benefit people

Seriously? You want everyone to pay £300-£500+ for handsets up front? It might be cheaper in the long-run if you can afford to buy your handsets and then take out a SIM-free contract or use PAYG, but most people prefer not to fork out so much and are happy with a free* or cheap* handset up front, even if that means their monthly cost is more.

Also, with your model, operators would not be able to tie people in to contracts, and so as their revenue would be a lot more unpredictable, you can be certain that the cost of calls / data / texts would go up.

Google plots pre-Christmas Chrome OS iPad killer


Once Burnt...

So Google expect punters to 'forget' about their previous foray into the hardware market, where they offered crap support and then withdrew the product once they decided they couldn't be bothered any more?

Windows 7 public beta end date named


Releases != Version Numbers

@Martin Budden - Here's a trick for you, open a command prompt in various versions of Windows and check out the version numbers rather than just counting releases:

Windows 1,2,3 (and 3.1, 3.11)

Windows 4 (95), 4.1 (98), 4.2 (Me) - I think, can't remember exactly but they are all 4.x

Windows 5 (2000), 5.1 (XP)

Windows 6 (Vista)

Windows 7

@admin - "Learning a new OS is not a fun adventure, it is a tiresome chore." - That is exactly why Linux is not taking off as much as it probably should, especially when you look at the corporate market (well, that and application/data compatibility, but that's another argument entirely).

And my opinion? I quite like the changes in Windows 7, and it will probably replace Vista on my BootCamp partition... but OS X will remain OS of choice for the time being.

Apple confesses MobileMe vanishing contact bug


@Anonymous Coward

Oi! Fanboi! Stop spaffing all over Jobs and come back to the real world for a minute. Sites like El Reg have given Microsoft a torrid time over the years on their poor security record, so why shouldn't they do the same to Apple? It's not just this DNS bug, Apple's security patching regime is utter crap, and they need to learn the same lesson Microsoft learnt a few years ago (and they need to learn it quickly).

And before you ask, I am an Apple user (MBP and new iPhone) at home - but I still have Vista installed under BootCamp for all the things OS X can't do.

O2 starts 3G iPhone stampede - and runs away

Jobs Horns

16GB sold out...

shop.o2.co.uk is working again, but you can only order 8GB iPhones now.

Staffer spills beans on O2 UK 3G iPhone launch


PAYG Prices


£299.99 for the 8GB, £359.99 for the 16GB. Includes unlimited Wi-Fi/Data for 6 months, then you can pay £10/month to carry on with unlimited Wi-Fi/Data.

If you don't talk/text much and want the iPhone for data/wi-fi/ipod/apps/etc. then that sounds like a stonking deal to me.