* Posts by CDF

3 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jun 2008

Hacker unearths young Chinese gymnast scam


They turned Chris Hoy into a pincushion

just to make sure he wasn't cheating. He wasn't. Nor has any other British athlete been doping, if we accept the frequent tests as genuine. Poor old Michael Phelps has had people following him into the loo with buckets just to make sure he wasn't cheating either (thank God he eats and drinks as much as he does, otherwise he'd have no bodily fluids left).

All these athletes abided by the rules. It's a piss-take to somehow exempt the Chinese because they're hosting the Games.

Depp for Dark Knight follow-up



The new Batman films are notable for being realistic - OK, a lot of the technology is fantastic, but it's not out of bounds. The Joker is a deranged psycho, not a caricature.

The problem with the Penguin and Catwoman is that it's difficult to see how they fit into the new "realistic" framework. A criminal boss, like the Riddler, who loves puzzles and riddles is less unrealistic.

They should bring back Firefly as well, as a pyromaniac and Clayface, as a master of disguise.

Force listeners onto DAB by killing FM


Won't Work

I live in the South East, and DAB coverage is very poor. I can barely get anything other than the local DAB station; however that too is subject to the "elephant spurting jam out of its trunk" noises that come from radio interference.

FM is a reliable, solid technology which provides excellent sound most of the time. When a superior technology is available, I'm sure it will be superceded - but not by the digital radio that's available today.