* Posts by DanBe

8 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Apr 2007

MS coughs to hokey-cokey IE8 option in Windows 7

Paris Hilton

Rob, Vincent, STOP with this nonsense !

Rob Holmes said: "they couldn't get on to the internet TO EVEN DOWNLOAD AN ALTERNATIVE BROWSER"

vincent himpe said:

If no browser is installed then you can not get on the internet to download a different browser.


It is not because you are completetely IGNORANT about the capacities of your OS that these do not exist !!!

You are confusing the web with the internet.

People have downloaded files on their computers by internet for more than 20 years before the web existed, thus, inevitably, without Microsoft Explorer !!

NO need for Microsoft Explorer to download a web browser !!!

Simply use TELNET or FTP, the File Transport procedure present on every computer that could be connected to the internet !

Make this simple test by yourself:

Click on Start->Run

Type: ftp -A releases.mozilla.org

Press <Enter> or click on [ OK ]

Miraculously, your are on a FTP site from witch you can download Firefox !!!

==>> Without any need of Microsoft Explorer !!!

Paris, because SHE knows better !!!

EC retires the Microsoft watchdog

Paris Hilton

@ Richard Devenport

"without a web browser installed, how precisely does one find a web browser to install?"

Have you ever heard of Telnet ?

Or of FTP ?

Do you know that Interned was created long before the first web browser ?

Paris, because SHE knows better...

Steve Ballmer lies to my mother

IT Angle

Since when

do you need a working Hotmail service to SEND an Email ???

Is the SMTP server of your ISP not enough ?

Apple on the lookout for one million unlocked iPhones


In Belgium...

In Belgium, it is ILLEGAL to tie a good and a service, a mobile phone and a carrier.

All phones must be unlockable.

Thus, we have no official iPhones in Belgium...

Dutch gov blows open standards raspberry at Microsoft

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Today: NORWAY !!!!

After Belgium, The Netherlands, Finland and other nations, Norway is an other European country to move to mandatory government use of Open Formats ( ODF, PDF and HTML ).

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The Netherlands follow the belgian road

Belgium, Danemark, Finland, France and Norway were the first European countries evaluating the adoption of the OpenDocument format.

In June 2006, Belgium was the first country in the world to mandate its use in his services and to ban the use of proprietary formats.

The Belgian federal administration plans to exchange all documents in ODF from September 2008. All federal administrations are supposed to be able to read ODF documents since September 2007.


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Belgium, Danemark, Finland, France and Norway were the first European countries evaluating the adoption of the OpenDocument format.

In June 2006, Belgium was the first country in the world to mandate its use in his services, baning proprietary formats.

The Belgian federal administration plans to exchange all documents in ODF from September 2008. All federal administrations should be able to read ODF documents from September 2007.


Adware poses as ActiveX control



[I]The malware infects Windows PCs...[/I]


I have seen a lot of "erotic pictures", and have never been infected...

