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@David Wilkinson. Ah, come on now. You've gone a bit mental there. Keep your head in the game, son.
87 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Apr 2007
IP addresses are not identifiable information? Of course not. Unless an IP is spoofed, there's no way to find out who it's assigned to. Not unless there's some crazy scheme I don't know about where they can find out which ISP has that address range then call the ISP and ask which account had the IP assigned at the time...Actually, hold on...
I'll be in my bomb shelter and if anyone with a suit and dark glasses comes around, I'm not here, 'kay?
When are they going to get rid of this antiquated and ridiculous 'TV Tax'? I don't understand how they can force you to pay for something you don't use. If you have Sky, surely the channels could be removed if you don't want to pay for them? They'll remove movies and sports access quick enough if you don't pay, why not reach an agreement with Sky and encode over Freeview and problem solved? Also, what about BBC America? Why do they get all the shows our license money funded and not have to chip in to the coffers?
I'm really, really starting to go off Apple. First the new Shuffles, now this. It seems like they're trying to shaft customers and making little effort to hide it. The specs are going down and the prices are going up. I think with the worldwide economy the way it is, to make these moves at this time is bat-shit insane. Apple were doing so well. The prices seemed to be respectable and they were getting more mainstream exposure. Now they're trying to take advantage of that and offer overpriced shite again. Apart from the OS, what else do you get by paying this money? An Apple logo? If the OS is what matters, buy a PC for way less money with similar specs and shove OSx86 on there.
I hope people vote with their wallets and force Apple into a rethink about their strategies, because I, for one, see this as the wrong direction.
I'm not a lawyer. His band may own copyright to the music, but I'm pretty sure they don't own the distribution rights, so maybe he has broken a law here. If someone decided to take action against him for this, the world would implode from the weight of the irony.
I think I'll get ready for the drummer induced apocalypse.
I live temporarily in Denmark and I experienced the same thing with a bank here. They had experienced a data loss that they didn't disclose. I found out about it by accident. They sent out an email saying they had detected 'customers with malware'. After a long phone conversation with some morons there, they admitted that some of their customer data had been discovered for sale on some Russian server. Companies go out of their way to make sure you don't know what's happened to your data and there should be severe penalties handed out for a data breach that can be proven that the company knew about it and didn't disclose it. The UK has a piss poor record on enforcing anything. We've bugger all chance of getting them to do anything about this.
How can any relative of the victims think he did everything he could to avoid the deaths? He did fuck all to avoid the deaths, his actions caused them. The bloody coward has an ejector seat for his safety if it all goes pear shaped, the people on the ground have nothing. Instead of opting to plunge his fighter into the sea, he chose a landing point that he knew if he lost control, it would hit people. I don't see any reason why this pilot shouldn't spend jail time, let alone be removed from flying duties.
Normally I'm on the side of the courts in cases like this and love the idiots getting told to get on their bikes, but I might be flip-flopping here. I don't know the details, but if Google drove onto their private property without permission, photographed that private property without permission and then published it without permission, then that's pretty shitty. I'd be angry as hell too if that happened to me. No one has a right to be on your premises without your permission and they can't do what they like when they're there. Lots of private properties such as Airports and onboard aircraft have rules where they can tell you not to take pictures and it's legal to do so. I don't see how these people lost. Whatever amount they were asking for or whatever their claims were is a technicallity, surely what Google did is trespass and it's bewildering how they can get away with it. I hope this couple gets a better lawyer, downgrades the claim and appeals. And wins.
Web usage is on the increase, they know this. I don't see why they don't splash the cash on some better infrastructure instead of punishing customers. Most people assume that the only reason for consuming this much bandwidth is Torrents, but one game demo from Xbox Live , downloading an ISO image from somewhere or heavy data streaming will trigger the limit, sometimes long before your download is complete. All this is going to do is drive heavy users away from the service, and we're all smart enough to see that's exactly the plan. They want people who barely use the service to pay them money which is all profit and get rid of the heavy users who cost them money. They can't just kick you off the service, imagine the bad press, so they do this where only the IT community hears about it and whines about it and the average Joe is none-the-wiser. I know they're a business and they're in this to make money, but they shouldn't be selling a product which isn't profitable if people choose to use it. I hope they slowly fade away and die.
Britain used to be known for it's scientific and technologic prowess, now look at us. Crappy broadband speeds and restricting what little we have. What must Japan be thinking of us now?
@Don Sinclair: best rant ever. Have a prize. Also, someone please tell the US to stop being so jealous and insecure and just leave us alone. You're starting to make Europe wish we'd never settled in your damn country. We sent our bloody criminals to Australia and that still worked out better than your excuse for a 'country'. Ah well, live and learn, eh?
Funny how everyone's an expert on an OS still in public Beta and who have never seen the source code or developed for. Why don't you all just wait and see how things pan out for once and do something a little more productive than moaning about how much of a disaster Windows 7 will be? Will there ever be an OS worthy of you?
@Thomas Baker: It affected all browsers. It affected IE7 for me. Besides, it was a server side thing, so I doubt the browser would make much difference. And for everyone here whining about not getting 'credit', stop being such a pathetic attention whore. I noticed the issue, like a lot of the world, but I just ignored it and got on with my day and waiting for Google to sort it out. I didn't send it into a load of IT sites then came back looking to see if someone had mentioned my name. Do you REALLY think you're the only ones who noticed this issue and the only ones who sent in a tip. Get over yourselves.
Being sucked in by religion makes you gullible. Being sucked in by scientology makes you a fool. Giving $10m to the twats and risking your job by associating The Simpsons with something Fox didn't authorise makes you nothing but an A Grade, 5 star, award winning moron and I've lost what little respect I have for Nancy Cartwright.
They should just stop caring now. The hate campaign against file sharers didn't go too well with all the man power and money behind that, did it? What makes them think a few nutbulls and one python script can do any better at this? No one really cares about this law, it'll hopefully all blow over and they should simply give up now before they embarrass themselves. Go and spend your time and resources in doing something useful and that people will thank you for, not send you abusive emails for. As a final touch of irony, I like how they used the expression 'Scot-Free', as all Scots are for the time being.
Maybe this will shut up 'holier-then-thou' mac users. I use both, but I'm sick of those idiots popping up everytime anywhere mentions anything going wrong with a Windows machine. A good proportion of Linux users are the same. It's time people realised that OSX is no better than any other OS and with the attention it's now getting, the proof is coming. And the fact that it happens to dirty, theiving pirates is just gravy. There's no need to steal Photoshop when GIMP is out there. There's no need to steal iWork when Open Office is out there. Professionals need the top end stuff. Professionals can afford it. This is thieving gits downloading software they don't need and can't afford therefor shouldn't have. Ironic that malware developers are providing poetic justice.
Now, is this jacket flame retardant...
How the hell is it fair for a jury or magistrate to determine what's offensive? Offensive to who? So, if the jury is full of over-sensitve morons, you can be convicted of owning images that are doing no one any harm? Offensiveness is subjective and can't be set in stone. If you're viewing these pictures on your own laptop and you don't show them to anyone, how can they be offensive if they're not offensive to person who owns them?
Britain is going to hell in a handbasket. Come on Scotland, don't allow this crap too.
Mine's the one with a ticket out of here in the pocket.
For one thing, as Seagate says, why would you upgrade a drives firmware without backing up your data? You should KNOW if anything goes wrong, you're screwed. Also like Seagate says, why did these users apply a firmware update when they didn't seem to have issues in the first place? Wasn't the original issue with the 1Tb drives? Why did all these 500Gb users go and apply a new firmware? Sometimes it's best to ignore your geek urges and just leave something alone if it's working fine.
If the material is performance, what's the issue? If it's part of a movie or two consenting porn models had photographs taken for a website, where's the harm? Who's being hurt here? People are making material that people want to buy. The seller makes money, the buyer gets something they want. I fail to see the illegality there. Doesn't the UK have better issues to put these resources to instead of telling us what kind of porn we can look at it. I used to regret moving away from Scotland but things like this really help with the transition.
Mine's the one with the torn up ticket home in the pocket.
@Do Not Fold Spindle Mutilate, you not only quoted Wiki, but you also failed to read the articles you provided to correct someone else. The incident took place over the Atlantic, not the Pacific. Unless the Azores have been relocated or there's been a total ban on eastbound flying forcing aircraft to fly West and go the long way.
I'm not going to go along with calling this guy an award winning moron, because I don't believe the story. There's no way in hell a whole family would be this stupid. One guy maybe, but not a whole family. People this stupid simply can't get access to this kind of money unless they're royalty. I doubt the story is true.
Sorting out the speed of connections isn't the issue that needs tackling. It's this bullshit 'unlimited' claim that's the problem. So many ISPs, if not at least all major ones, will come knocking if you eat up bandwidth and everyone knows it. It's likely torrent traffic, but it could be other things, and if you pay for unlimited access you should get that, regardless of how much you use or what you use it for. I'd much rather ISPs were shafted for that tactic than speed restrictions. Besides, they like users having slow speeds, because it reduces how much data you transfer and puts you off torrenting because your speeds are arse. Once they give everyone fast, stable connections, more people will trigger data limits and then everyone will complain about that instead. You know it's going to happen. if they ever give customers a fast, stable connection that is, and seeing how this is Britain, it ain't gonna happen. Whatever happened to us, eh? We have the world just about every invention worth a crap as a nation and we can't even get decent broadband going.
I'm with other people here. I'm tired of having to code workarounds to get my standard code to work with IE. MS should have stuck to the standards all along and not done what they liked. I hope with IE8 and from then on, they stick to the standards in place so that we developers can write one lot of code and not have to jump through multiple browsers and Virtual Machines to make sure we've pleased Microsoft.
Who falls for this? Really? This is nothing to do with technological know-how, this is recieveing airline tickets you didn't order and believing it. Doesn't anyone who's been using the internet for more than 10 minutes know you shouldn't open attachments from a source you don't know or trust?
All this fool has done is make sure anyone who takes even a passing interest in the Internet will avoid him like crabs. I would expect him to find things a little harder to shift on eBay now. OR...find things selling more but being sold to people with the sole intention of making life difficult for him afterwards or intending to scam him.
I agree with the general consensus here that it's for the readers over the pond that somehow stumble onto the site. I am a Scot and upon a New Yorker hearing my accent, I was asked which part of Ireland I came from. (Swing and a miss). I then told him I was from Scotland and was then asked which part of Ireland that was (Another swing at thin air). I explained that Scotland wasn't in Ireland and then he asked if it was near London. (Strike three, you're outta here.) The most powerful nation in the World? It's scary, that many idiots having so much collective power.
There's nothing wrong with Vista if it's configured properly. Maybe for people who build custom desktops and can't stop arsing about their install for five minutes, it's nothing but headaches. Buy a new laptop with Vista installed and configured and it runs fine. If you like XP, great! Stick with it and more power to you, but shut up about how shite an OS is if you don't even bloody USE it. Whining, geeky bastards...
I don't know why people hate Vista so much. I've used many OS's over my time and I recently picked up a laptop with Vista on it. I had planned to downgrade to XP because of all the negativity around it. I spent the day messing with it and thought it wasn't bad. I held off for a few days because it seemed fine to me. Months later, it's still on here because I haven't had one single issue with it.
Tazering a scared animal without trying any other methods is a bit over the top though, isn't it? If a member of the public had done this, they'd have been prosecuted no doubt, so why should the police force get away with it? If the traffic had stopped and motorists had got out their car, how is there an immediate danger to motorists? Unless the sheep jumped in someone's car and ran them over as it drove off, it's pretty harmless. This is why the muppets in uniform here shouldn't be given a tazer. They're lucky they're still allowed a baton. We should tazer one of them when they're in the road and see how they like it.