* Posts by wiser mouse

7 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jun 2008

Beeb reinstates teaboy in Pestogate scandal

wiser mouse

read the alt tag, idiots

<img alt="The BBC's news and current affairs programmes and news website have annual agreements with AP, PA, AFP, Allsport and Getty Images for image use. This image has been changed six times at a cost to the licence-fee payer of a few pence in terms of man-hours, which will be made up for in overtime." src="http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/robertpeston/wood_lane595.jpg" width="595" height="187" class="mt-image-center" style="text-align: center; display: block; margin: 0 auto 20px;">

iPad vs e-book readers: price matters

wiser mouse


The sony pocket reader costs less than £150 - half the price of the big iPod.

Digital Spy struggles to pin down tainted ad infection

wiser mouse


Can someone pull Baccas' trousers down please?

Who reads The Register?

wiser mouse

you are a bunch of nobs

don't you realise that the "main reason" most people read your rag is because it's funny?

Hasbro kills Colonel Mustard in the corporate office with the marketing ploy

wiser mouse


It was Osama Bin Laden in the cave with the poisonous gas

Cambridge congestion charge plans shelved

wiser mouse
IT Angle

you are all filthy tabs

The only reason i can understand why you have covered this kind of rubbish story on your rag is because you're all a bunch of filthy tabs - as witnessed by last week's biased cr*p.

What next "Pub in Cambridge Runs Out Of Beer" or "Man crosses road in Cambridge"?

Perhaps you should rename the site www.filthytabregister.co.uk

Oxford tops Blighty university rankings

wiser mouse

filthy tabs

The hypocrisy of writing a blatantly biased article while accusing Murdoch of fudging the times' survey could only have been done by a Filthy Tab.

Teminds me of the boat race a few years back when the tab umpire basically handed them the race...