* Posts by Maverick

16 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jun 2008

BBC fined £150k over Manuelgate



Are they joking? They do realise how the BBC makes it money? So they've fined ME for Jonathan Ross and that Robert Smith lookalike being pricks.

El Reg Street View snappers caught on camera


Telegraph learning 'pooters


Fantastic video of someone using Street View. The best bit is not the possible rock stat but that they keep centering the screen and then pressing the + button in the top left. Clearly no-one's told them about the double click to centre and zoom.

Street View captures traditional British Christmas


I can't get dodgy soho

Been strolling around Soho on streetview in the hope of some lady of the night showing her wears but have been denied... Anyone else had any luck.

Also if you go to the corner of Frith Street and Old Compton Street you can't go down Old Compton because of roadworks, how disappointing.

Come on, Sir Tim!

IT Angle

IT jokes are never funny

I'm proud that i'm not quite geeky enough to get most of the injokes in this article and hence 'don't get the IT angle'.

Screeching rails close London Tube station


It's the English language gone mad

"It is health and safety gone mad."

Adding 'gone mad' to the end of a sentence is almost as annoying as high rising terminal.

Etailer flogs signed Jade Goody biog for £1,000


The sick bastard

Why does this person own a copy of the biography in the first place? They should be ashamed of themselves.

Hollywood to totally recall Total Recall

Dead Vulture


"Hollywood to totally recall Total Recall"

"Hollywood Reporter, er, reports"

I'd like to register my disapproval of the register's rubbish puns.

Teen sacked for 'boring' job Facebook comment

Black Helicopters

Black mail

Revenge is the only option i feel. Kimberley Swann needs to take some dodgy pictures of Stephen Ivell while on a drunk night out (although she can't drink of course). Then post them on Facebook and tag them while he is on holiday (and not checking his account). A whole week of his friend's seeing him in a compromising position with a 16 year old (wait, do i hear sirens?).

I've only shagged two blokes, insists Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton

I'm her second









Texas cop tasers himself

Black Helicopters

Yes, FAIL!

"Sorry to be boring, but can someone explain the origins and meaning of this "fail" thing, so I can join in, be one of the crowd, and find it funny as well?"


PS: urban dictionary - understand kids on the bus

Mars lander has probably carked it, says NASA

Dead Vulture

Are you Australian?

What's with the use of 'carked'? Are you Australian? Are you Kiwi?

No! So stick with British slang. Like "Phoenix lander has croaked", "Phoenix lander in a bit of a pickle".

I am however glad that you avoided the temptation of any title to do with rising from the flames.

Beeb cans TOTP Xmas special


There's no need for that sort of language

I quote:

"Accordingly, we left hilarious abusive messages on their ansafones suggesting we'd slept with members of their familes. Ho, ho, ho."

OK, Brand and Ross may have left abuse but they never called his granddaughter a prostitute.

Catholic priests cane YouTube over blasphemous vids

Black Helicopters

Communion wine

If only we'd videod ourselves as teenagers when some friends and i broke into our school chapel and got wasted on communion wine. That would be the ultimate YouTube video to send me to hell. Nice wine though, those Catholic priests do have good taste.

Philippine troops battle rampaging MILFs


Death by acronym

Andy - i believe they have close ties with:

The Committee for the Liberation and Integration of Terrifying Organisms and their Rehabilitation Into Society*

[*Red Dwarf III]

ICANN approves customized top-level domains


I've been thinking of this all morning

I'm going to buy, wait for it....


Ha ha ha.

Tumble dryer bites woman in Weston-super-Mare

Paris Hilton

Definition of obstreperous

To take Eponymous Cowherd's comment to the next level and for any millionairesses reading this article:


1. resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner; unruly.

2. noisy, clamorous, or boisterous: obstreperous children.

Can be used in sentences such as 'Naomi Campbell was obstreperous in Kitts the other night'.