BS Out of control
So the hurtful words are making silicons upset. Thank the heavens we've been saved from our cruelty. Preposterous fapping heard from the stalls...
323 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jun 2008
The fuck-up which is the to-ing & fro-ing of electricity to photo pulses is not cheap & required for every line in both directions on every connection. Malcolm is wrong & he knows it. The fellow who blames Quigley, if you actually know what you're talking about then give us some science or some numbers that back you up otherwise stfu...
I think that the Brits biggest woes with temperature increase are the storms that will ensue, hurricanes that create a deluge between the UK & Europe. The current thought is that flooding throughout the low-lying Southern areas including London will produce havoc not to forget other quite vulnerable places within that funnel-shaped area. The funnelling is the problem, pushing a large mass of sea into an increasingly smaller space. Depending on the size of the storm it could be devastating. Anyway, not my problem in Australia...
"Getting bored with Android", what a load of self-serving crap. Android is forging ahead. Apple has stagnated but no-one wants a Windows phone with its cartoon-like, made for morons GUI. It's a hideous GUI. It looks like something a child developed.
Nokia used to be a great company but now they're a Windows has-been. If they continued to focus on MeeGo then they'd have a chance but with Windows they will surely die...
Most people won't buy an MS phone because it is MS & nobody trusts MS anymore. I don't even think those who sell MS stuff feel safe with them. MS have proven themselves to be scum & with Nokia joining up makes them look bad as well. What Nokia really needs to do is develop more MeeGo phones. There are many Android users who don't want to be trapped by Google but Google is better than Apple or Microsoft. Blackberry isn't much better than the others & if they had the chance would take the poisonous mantle that now belongs with Apple.
Go Nokia, with MeeGo. The others can hang...
Perhaps you don't realise that Samsung has the right to defend themselves. They're not allowed to sell a product they made because Apple made one first. The products aren't the same. What would you do if you were attacked & beat someone back & then heard from someone else they wished you'd both died. Where is the justice? Do you not want justice?
What would you like to be able to buy? Every next technical innovation or only the innovations that one company, the ultimate God company, built. They set the costs, the boundaries of its capacities & basically becomes law that you must buy these items. That is what happens if monopolies are allowed to develop. Look at what Microsoft did & what Intel almost did. It's Nazi-ism, a different religion.
Let Samsung protect itself against a meglamaniacal organisation
Smartphones have been around for years. My Nokia E61 came long before any Apple phone. There is nothing in the Apple that gives it something particularly special, rather several mixes of old ideas & they've stolen everyone of them. Get a life & at least understand what you are talking about before you make a complete tool of yourself...
I notice the reason you didn't put your name on your puppet is because you have absolutely zero idea of what you speak. The protections to stop this kind of idiocy aren't that hard. Marketing database, check emails against customers, yes 4 thou customers, check respondent companies, check, many companies get our email customers, no, false, stop... See, pretty easy logic. Now please refrain from talking crap...
Sun's beef with Java was that Microsoft installed their own version of Java & whilst that idea was ok, under the Sun terms Java had to be cross-system compatible & have a secure box in which to run so that the system wasn't accessed. Microsoft didn't either & kept a very old version of Java installed basically inhibiting the uptake of newer versions.
M$'s inhibitory tactics were why they got fried at the time...
"In the court ruling, Judge Susan Braden states that in light of advances in technology, the DoI has now agreed to consider new bids for the contract to supply cloudy office apps from Microsoft, Google, and others." - what a load of bull-crap. The DoI was obviously scared into submission by the potential billion dollar suit...
'He delegated responsibility by paying someone else to jump around like an asshole during his entrance instead of doing it all by himself,” said a poster. “Now if only he'd do the same with his regular day job.”' - Love it, Monkey-boy's quelled, someone has put him in his place & told him to grow up.
As far as Google is concerned, Stevie's failed completely again. His chair-throwing antics & abusive nature have come back to haunt him & as he continues in the helm, M$ continues to recede into dust.
He's balmy, he's bald, he's infantile, he's a moron & we come to applaud the clown himself, Stevie Ballmer...
Oh yay, oh yay...
Wow, tell me more. Don't stop at the good part. What was it that Apple invented, "round corners?", perhaps not, "full-screen phone?", definitely not, "the smart-phone?", no, that belongs to the likes of HP (crappy), HTC (ok), Nokia (best of the old bunch), "a sexy, smart-phone?", perhaps. Apple invented nothing dipstick. You have no idea at all of what you speak...
Selling out to M$ was the dumbest thing Yahoo could ever have done. Easy to see this now but it was obvious to many prior. Anything M$ buys into dies but unfortunately it props up M$ with shareholders. So Yahoo is hearing its death knell now after once being a great company & the original online social network. Sad...
Good riddance, cow...
This would be because MS isn't actually in the game at this point & everyone knows it. Ballmer wants to keep track of ongoing issues to ensure his last big buy, his overpriced burst ballon fails only to him. The problem here is that everyone sees it even if he tries to keep it quiet...
Idiot, this was always going to fail & everyone knew it perhaps except the new CEO. What did he expect when he gave up the next really potential alternative Linux OS. They had a ready made market of techos & if you look at the car market & computer market, everything tech-up is the next best thing. Windows was always a step in the wrong direction. The guy's a fool...
A-holes of the software world. Microsoft has nothing left other than to dump their lawyers & f-wit CEO. Apple is on their final suit & has no more progress left in them. Hence their next bleeding Pad is barely an improvement. As for Oracle, who no-one likes nor cares about anymore, they have nowhere to go bcoz their software is outdated so badly they had to buy someone else's.
Three scummy rats on the road to nowhere, nothing to offer other than to take down a company that is still developing future-filled software. When will the patent office wake up & stop this parade of ridiculous patents that have nothing that isn't either obvious nor is it identifiably different from everything else.
Big Brother's corruption incorporates News Limited as well as various other news sites. Perhaps reasonable journos can find a source outside these major manipulators to fund them rather than an organisation that fabricates stories out of nothing & hides the truth when it exists...
With the way the Win OS runs I doubt that a UI could have worked. Anyway, the Win OS has been & will remain a failure as far as I can see. Programmers don't want to rewrite their programs from a long way back just so they'll run on this system. Stupid system...
So far Google has shown little of the poisonous behaviours displayed by Apple & Microsoft & for that matter Oracle. To add a little reality to his points the ability of Microsoft, more so than the others, they have proven to have had a hand in interfering with politics, lobbying to slow the progress of other organisations, especially Google.
At this point Google has attempted to behave in a much less predatory behaviour to those of the others. That there genius is to make money out of advertising rather than such money from consumers is proof enough. While the cost of hardware has been decimated where is the cost of Microsoft's software? Has it decreased? Perhaps minimally & now their average at best, un-guaranteed software isn't required the way it once may have been. Microsoft have passed their use-by date & attempting to remain relevant by litigation & hindering progress. Stop buying their software & do the world a favour, use Linux instead.
I would also suggest that those who don't see this reality are either employees or beneficiaries of Microsoft or perhaps the other vipers...
Their program Search builds depending on the number of times a page is opened by a user or a link to that page is clicked. It has nothing to do with "blacklisting". This is paranoid crap unless the potentiating company has manipulated their own results causing circular linking which is in itself an attempt to monopolise unfairly. Google blacklists them but this means dropping them down a level not removing them.
Google's variants; ie Maps & the like; have been around a lot longer than any others & originally there were no competitors. Bcoz of the previous point, these selections have been used much more so & so have claimed a higher level than the others that are relatively new given that the whole parade is only really in force over 16 yrs. So Google gets the levels bcoz they are the ones that are mostly chosen. Why would you waste your time on a different Search engine that doesn't do the job properly...
Google, so far have never shown the audacity to abuse their marketing power in the way Microsoft has. Yes, the FTC is responding to a call by the biggest monopoly manipulator of our time. The criminal organisation you speak of, what crimes against humanity do you have to offer rather than blatantly open your big mouth with nothing behind it. Yes, I can name a dozen things that Microsux has done which has been criminal in its intent & they have got away with. If you want I'll source them for you.
Google doesn't have the patents to abuse in the way Microsoft did & continues to do but now they are losing their hold on the populous as people move towards mobile & away from desktop. Mostly people don't want MSs mobile platform.
Google has a software evaluation depending on how many times a link is used that moves it up the ranges. I doubt that this pitiful English Search engine has anywhere near the number of clicks occurring bcoz their data is probably limited in comparison anyway. Google has also been doing this longer that the other & if you gave most people the choice one against the other they would choose Google every time.
Google doesn't depend on you to pay their way so what is your problem? They depend on businesses placing advertisements surreptitiously inside a webpage. You don't like it then use the other Search. Google won't care & neither do I.
The fellow is an indefensible jerk, of this few would doubt but he is also a genius. His brilliance took the original idea way beyond the capabilities of the original owners who were initially going to limit it to one university. Zuckers took it to the world & the world loves being connected. They got paid & way more than they probably deserved.
Damn shame we aren't using a better resource, WAVE which was originally intended for programmers. Much more secure & much more limiting in the way information is shared. Zuckers has too much control & bcoz he wrote most of it can disrupt it. He should be removed from it before he does something else or perhaps locked up & the key chucked away...
This post basically reflects Microsoft's stance in all things bureaucracy. This is exactly how Microsoft dealt with the DOJ's anti-monopoly lawsuit (95% of computer users & abusing their monopoly) & they got away virtually Scot free. You can argue the billions all you like but for MS giving away their software to schools would have 2 major positives for them, firstly the software cost them nothing but a CD-ROM or 2 & secondly they create a new generation of Microsoft users. Bonus! Next gen monopoly...
With Google, their monopoly of the Internet is already challenged albeit minimally with Google holding 70% (around that number somewhere) & Bing/Yahoo holding most of the rest. This is only in Search whereas in social networking, well Facebook has probably 90% of the public online involved being that their stats show them approaching 700 million users. This is an incredible number of online users.
Oracle is just a bastion of patent trolling & I hope they end up the same as SCO; ie dead in the water. I hope they go broke bcoz they never built any of the software structure they are trolling their lawsuit on. If anyone should get the financial windfall from this it is Sun who have since given the game away without solving the patent issues. I completely disagree with selling patents, perhaps passing them on to family but after some amount of time they should be defunct anyway. Google gets nothing from the creation of the software other than advertising revenue which is not a Java entry, rather Javascript. They designed the software, the gains are theirs. Screw Oracle & Larry, I hope you both die. You are scum...
The judge is correct here. How can you argue the point when your point is so cloudy that relevance is lost. Yes they can come back later & sue on another point but we're talking judges who understand law not code & realising that a small set of code may cover several patents, many of which will show prior art. Whittling them down to a number which can be both defended & attacked in a reasonable manner is the issue here. Oracle's original lawsuit was to broad for anyone to reasonably understand the entirety of both sides unless of course you were a lawyer who worked specifically for a software company & had years in a specific focus on software designed to find the litigious holes making the lawyer & software company trolls in the worst form of the word.
This would describe Microsoft, HP, Apple & Oracle in recent times. Whilst IBM probably holds the largest bank of patents they seem willing to use them only for self-protection whereas Google has a very small number in comparison to any of the larger companies.