* Posts by Wokstation

270 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jun 2008


Cuil feasts on Salmon of Nonsense


@Michael Miller

My, hasn't Paris aged badly, quickly?

And "cuil" means "knowledge"? My arse! (See what I did there? Do ya? DO YA?)

Wünderbra! German policewomen take 'Action Brassiere'


@AC Don't mention the war!

...I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it!

Home Office bankrolls plastic plod 'documentaries'


Propoganda, propoganda, propoganda

Hey, if I say it three times it becomes a soundbite, right? :D

Late-breaking April Fool prangs snoozing Guardianista


The Guardian: Timelords

Those grafters at The Guardian truly are magnificent. Marvel at their prowess over the time-space continuum!

"The following apology was printed in the Guardian's Corrections and clarifications column, Saturday August 2 2008"

*checks clock* 20:35

*checks calender* 01 August 2008.

Wow, I'm impressed!

Black hats attack gaping DNS hole



"Your ISP's name server,, has other protections above and beyond port randomization against the recently discovered DNS flaws. There is no reason to be concerned about the results seen below.Requests seen for a563cec7b068.doxdns5.com: TXID=33827 TXID=26554 TXID=40195 TXID=9963 TXID=37889


From Tesco.net, a Virgin reseller.

More dodgy phone-ins cost BBC £400,000



"For its massively profitable bent competitions wheeze ITV was hit with a record £5.67m Ofcom fine earlier this year."

Except, of course, that they made a lot more money out of it than that, resulting in a net profit. That's really the way to tell them not to do it again, isn't it?

"Behave! Or, we'll take a cut!"

Orangutans concoct plant-based soothing balm



Just don't call it a monkey, or it'll be you needing balms... or is that arms?

MS products just too cool to comprehend, say MS geeks


@Mark Honman

Reggy reported only recently that a couple of the OEMs were selling their PCs as a new package (one called it "Vista bonus" or "Vista advantage" or something) - the bonus of the package is they automatically use the downgrade license, and simply sell you an XP PC.

MS still get to flag it as a Vista sale, though.

Prime Minister's email takes month off


Southwold? Oh Crap.

I'm moving for a week...

David Davis tells El Reg that Labour is 'mesmerised' by tech

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Article about a viewpoint...

...or an advert for David Davis?

In-flight device maker sues everyone seeking flash memory bonanza


With the money their opponants have...

...looks like this will be a FlashR in the pan to me.

Yes! It's the Knight Rider satnav!

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I don't have a car...

...but I want one. I REALLY want one. How'd it look on a Graco buggy d'ya think?

Snoop bill opponents post Swedish spy IDs on net

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I just hope Gordon's not reading...

...oh wait, so THAT's what PHORM's all about!

Start-up outfoxes Apple, Dell and HP by offering stock options with PCs

IT Angle

Hey, at least they're being honest

It's not like it's unheard of practise. A tad sneaky, yes. Underhanded? Maybe a touch... but at least it's better than having drones of PR agents, isn't it? This way at least the geeks get a shot at some of the rewards of PR-dom, or something.

Big TV flips ad blockers the bird


This'll be the next...

...virus-writer V antivirus company digital war on the horizon then?

Sweden ushers in bugging for all


Re: Adrian

"(and don't use online banking or credit cards)"

...or research terrorism, or look at bondage-porn, or write "carrots are better than swede" on the intyweb.

Doesn't this mean that any data that crosses a Swedish internet node is liable to be tapped?

Phorm failed to mention 'illegal' trials at Home Office meeting in 2007

Gates Halo

Name and shame

I agree that "servant" (since when do servants get to speak to their masters in such a manner? Such impertinence! Someone needs to see the Head Housekeeper for some discipline!) needs to be named and shamed.

Perhaps we could all request an interview?

Re: Phorm/BT not getting prosecuted, in a political climate where no-one is at fault for a desktop PC full of misplaced Restricted information getting stolen, is it suprising that no-one's investigating something so blatantly illegal?

Gates: It's how this makes him look in comparison...

AMD's new Firestream chip tops 1 teraflop

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Sure be handy when modelling and the polygons get out of control...

Brown pledges annual commons debate on surveillance

IT Angle


*Brown said that citizens were not alarmed by the government's demands for biometric data, saying this was proved by the fact that “many people now have laptops activated by finger-scans.”*

Missed the point about how you choose to buy a lappy with fingerprint recognition, or how the laptop doesn't store the data on a server belonging to the government which may or may not be left on a train next week.

IT, coz the government don't have a clue what it actually is.

Gamers love in-game ads, ad industry-sponsored survey reveals

Paris Hilton

Soldiers actually like...

...getting shot while wearing FakeCorp's new range of bodyarmour, according to a FakeCorpMarketting survey.

Yeah. The only time ads are any use in a game is when they're contextual - eg, a football game with the appropriate banners, or a game in a city (eg, GTA) with billboards. Real products can certainly add to the realism then... but it's all about context, innit?

Paris, because this is my first time...
