* Posts by Wokstation

270 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jun 2008


DNA database includes nipper and nonagenarian


So the police are refusing to remove samples...

...saying they're waiting for guidance from the government.

Given that holding the samples of someone with no charges/convictions is illegal under HR law, as definied by the ECHR, wouldn't it simply require the threat of legal action against the force to make them remove it?

Afterall, they know they won't win. Precedent was set in the ECHR. It is the last level of appeal, and as such any "junior" court would surely be bound by the precedent?

Would a force then be able to justify the costs of defending against such a case, given that they have a certainty of losing even if early courts don't abide by the ECHR ruling? Afterall, eventually it'd get to the ECHR and deemed illegal again, as set by the precedent.

I suspect that they'll refuse to remove in the first instance, but because of the cost of fighting a battle they know for a fact they will lose, will probably cave at the first or second letter with hints to litigation...

Straw slaps ban on Iraq debate docs

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But it'd do "serious damage" to cabinet government!

"Releasing the papers would do "serious damage" to cabinet government, he said, and outweighed public interest needs.", said the Beeb.

So saving them from looking like corrupt moronic warmongers (allegedly...) is more important than the public interest need?

I swear Labour are doing their best to make people either riot, demand a new government, or simply boot them out ASAP.

Anti-mafia cops want Skype tapping


So they dump a virus or crack the encryption...

...so the crim just cleans the virus, or heaven forbid runs Linux... and changes the algorythm.

Welcome to the next internet security arms race.

Laptop facial recognition defeated by Photoshop


@"I'm Suprised" AC

Sure,. have it do voice recognition... then you get a cold, lose your voice... lose your access to your computer and have nothing to do while you sit in bed sipping lemsip.

Minister trashes ex-spook chief's liberty warning


If we ignore the lessons of history

We're doomed to make the same mistakes.

This guy clearly isn't paying much attention, and he's the next Home Secretary (every time I say or type that I have the guy from Less Than Perfect shouting "Secra-Tary!" in my head)?

Are Labour deliberately trying to alienate people? Surely a sensible politician would have either kept his trap shut or at least made soothing noises?

Watchdog mauls billboard sex ads



Think of the kids? Yes, children must be protected from the evils of knowledge about sex at all costs! Everyone knows that children mustn't know about anything to do with sex because if they do, they will surely explode from the inappropriateness of such knowledge!



I agree with the ASA simply on the prescription-medicine aspect. The sex part I have no issue with at all.

NHS patient database goes titsup


@Mark Dussard

Do you have reading problems?

"There was a temporary loss of services to a small number of Trusts within our region on 10th February 2009"

Loss of services means they were unable to access the patient data on the system in several Trusts - that's quite a lot of people who's records were unavailable when they attended an appointment.

How does that not jeapardise patient care?

EU threatens 'formal action' against UK.gov on Phorm


I used to be really anti-EU

Until I realised they actually protect us from our own Government.

Police search another Tory MP's office


"Waaah look at me" says MP

So he had some dodgy mail, the police are contacted. They make an appointment to go see the guy and ask to have a look at the dodgy mail...

...where's the story again? I'd have thought El Reg would be lamabasting the MP for this one!

eBay revenue shrinks for first time in history


""We're not happy about that,""

I'm sure that's what sellers were thinking when they got charged through the butt and had their ability to leave feedback removed.

That's got nothing to do with it their profit-drop, of course...

Boffin seeks $300,000 to build eight-wheel 230mph EV


You could have had the decency...

...to photoshop the thing bright pink so we can see exactly how much it looks like The M'Lady M'Bile.

Boo. Hiss. Oh yes, much heckling indeed.

Online campaign urges MPs to block secret expenses


Contacted my MP...

...not holding out much hope. Silly bugger's a Labour party whip and hasn't voted against the Government since he became one.

Govt uses Obscenity Law to stuff up cartoon sex loophole



"This Bill will cover images where "the predominant impression conveyed is that the person shown is a child despite the fact that some of the physical characteristics shown are not those of a child"."

So, StTrinians then?

Or how about that 40yr old lass in a school uniform on www.somerandomnon-existantpornwebsite.com.co.uk.net.biz?

EU says Microsoft violated law with IE on Windows

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I'm usually anti-monopoly...

...but in this case I have to wonder, how is my next door neighbour (aged 70-ish) supposed to know how to go get a browser? PC World ship 'em a Windows box with no IE, so how exactly do they get to the internet to download a new browser?

Who reads The Register?


With regard to section 3...

Me, I'm a househusband through neccesity. As a result the only way to fill in section 3 was an organisation of under 10 people, as head of IT and cheif exec, with under 5 people reporting to me (both of whom are under 5yrs old).

I make all IT-related decisions for our organisation, but must defer to group-thinking with regard to everything else - in particularly with regard to spending authority.

And I was sorely dissapointed that Playmobile didn't feature as a reason for "why do you read the Reg?".

First lady of Star Trek dead at 76


Very sad indeed

She's undoubtedly recorded sufficient material to continue to use her voice as that of Federation computers in the future, but should we?

Farewell. You will be missed.

Queen's speech targets bankers, unemployed, and immigrants


Well isn't that lovely?

"Welfare reform is once again on the agenda, with measures promised to help, encourage or force the unemployed back into work, with a particular emphasis on the disabled"

If I could work, I certainly would. I paid National Insurance, and when I became ill, I claimed on that insurance policy. Why should I be punished for that? Sure, they'll say "the genuinely unfit to work needn't worry" but I've already been caught in the crossfire once...

It's also a bit of an odd time to force those out of work into work when the number of jobs available is set to fall.

Windows internet share drops below 90 per cent




Mine's the one with the funky pills in the pocket.

Microsoft Live Search goes Kumo?

Paris Hilton

So someone else owns the patent?

So what? This is MS. You think something as trivial as that would stop 'em? They'd probably just use it anyway and then bury the poor guy under a mountain of lawyers if he tried to complain about it.

Besides - does anyone actually use the Microsoft search engine? Kumo, my behind... actually scrub that - it sounds dirty.

Bittorrent declares war on VoIP, gamers

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PAYG interwebs

Tell you what, shall we pay to receive post too? You know, a quid for each spam leaflet Royal Mail decide to stick through the door?

No, I don't torrent. Yes, I do schedule any large downloads I need to do overnight (eg, XBOX Live game demos at a gig a pop - how much bandwidth does THAT suck up compared to these P2Pers?).

Do I blame torrenters for the evening glut of linespeed? No - I blame the ISP for overselling their product.

If I pay for my road-tax, is there a limit to how many times I can drive up the motorway?

For shame, ElReg. I normally expect better balanced articles from you guys.

New terror guidelines on photography

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Common sense...

...a collection of prejudices learned since one was born.

Lord Lamont joins Phorm board



Perhaps it's the eyebrows. Kent's hoping they'll distract people from PHORM itself...

Counter-terror police arrest Tory frontbencher

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Like they didn't know...

...I've always been a bit reserved about calling this country a Police State, but this is a step too far. I'm no fan of the Tories (or labour, or any party really).

Unless Green paid for the information, surely this falls under the Public Interest Disclosure Act?

Government data review grants more data sharing power


"Honest, we won't abuse it!"

"You can trust us!"


Home Office to hand out more Tasers to police


Can we therefore expect...

...more unconcious diabetics to be tasered?


NASA celebrates return of the Zeppelin


Bring another...

...and let the smutty jokes commence!

Scots vote out ID cards


Hey Jacqui...

...were any of those people who are "always coming up to" you Scots?

Inside Microsoft's 'New Xbox Experience'


HDD installation still requires the disk

Those saying you can just rent/borrow-a-mate's, sorry, you can't. You still have to have the disk in to play, it just loads from the HDD instead - which is faster, and above all, doesn't make your TV cabinet sound like a 747 prepping for liftoff.


@Matt Bryant

"(just needs a better keyboard than the Messenger keypad)"

Why, when you can just plug in any old USB keyboard?

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All my unrated video on my PC (family vids) now require a Parental Control passcode to view, despite allowing Unrated video in the options.

I have to enter my passcode twice to sign in (each time a different UI style splash asks for it) if I do it via the dashboard, but only once via the guide.

My 4yr old son's account has adverts! Some of these were not appropriate, so we hit "block content" in the console options. Now the marketplace is empty when I'm logged into my adult account!

The XBox crashes when I look at the friends list details in the dashboard and then go back to the friends list.

No replies on their Tech Support forum to the two threads I made on different issues.

Telephone support left me on hold for half hour and then hung up on me before I even got to speak to a person ("Max", the call-steering computer, is a cretin).

New XBox Experience? Not been good so far.

BNP membership list leaks online


@"What is wrong with the BNP? " AC

The fact that you've felt the need to post your support for the BNP anonymously shows you yourself are ashamed to be associated with them, and you're trying to "big them up".

I'm guessing your name was on this list...?

MP calls for Jezza Clarkson's head


Blood was tasted

When it was spilled from Brand and Ross. Now the media's going to expect to get anyone that says things they think the public should be shocked by, sacked.

Yay. :|

Martial law planned for Craigslist's red-light district


"Craigslist has also agreed..."

"...to turn over registered phone numbers to law enforcement officials with a valid search warrant."

Um... if they have a valid search warrant, it doesn't matter if you agree or not...

Bombproof TV rolling-news eco bins target the City


I need to get a new monitor

I might have to make a trip to Londinium and pick one of these up... literally. Crowbar + van = new, huge, monitor! Woo!

Battleground email hoax postpones Election Day


Aren't students generally more liberal...?

It's another page in the conspiracy files!

Shawshank thesp erased from NY voter rolls


IF (MemberOfPublic) == UnwantedParty$


Donkeys refuse fodder as US election tension rises


Have you...

...have you taken your medication today? :D

Berlin bans handy iPhone metro app


"Banned" it, eh?

So what, they're going to stop every passenger with an IPhone, search their phone for the app and delete it if found? Or refuse to transport such passengers?

York council gets sniffy with Street View


@Mr Wurst

Private individual or company, it's still a person that takes the photograph... and that person does not need permission - so you're wrong an' all!

Heck, even to those NOT in the field it should be pretty darned obvious - otherwise press photographers who are employed directly by a newspaper would be constantly asking people for permission to take photographs... which is of course nonsense! They don't do that, they don't need to do that - they don't need permission!


@Drew, and then @DavCrav

@Drew... coherently incoherent? hehehe

@DavCrav - you're right, you're not. You're also rather wrong. I can take your photo on the street and then publish it commercially, with or without your consent. What I CANNOT do is make you appear to endorse a product, policy or concept. I also cannot use the image to commit libel against yourself or harrass you.

If I publish a sunset shot of The London Eye, I'm not making out there's any affiliation between myself and them.

Now if I took a picture of you eating a burger and then used that image as part of an advertising campaign for McDonuts... well, that would indeed require your consent because I'm making out you endorse a product.

However, if you're just part of a crowd walking past McDonut's, it's unlikely that I'd need your consent as you're simply part of the street furniture. This is especially the case if you cannot be clearly identified (eg, have your back to the camera).

(I'm not a lawyer. I'm a street photographer).


So El Reg, which is it to be?

Are you standing up for the rights of photographers to photograph freely in public? Or are you saying that Google should need permission, therefore restricing the rights of photographers to freely photograph in public?

Unfortunately, it's one or the other.

MPs decry Heathrow T5 fiasco


"Expensive report states obvious"

And we paid for that???

Orange ditches Phorm



"We never comment about specific discussions with any ISP, but based on conversations we've had with many ISPs both in the UK and internationally, we are very confident that in due course this technology is something that most of them will chose to adopt."

So they've not been bragging about having BT, TalkTalk and Virgin onboard then...?

Another Phorm lie? Shirley not!

Home Office guides plods on photography


If I photograph an officer of the law or army...

..."elicit or attempt to elicit information about" - I am not eliciting anything. I am the one creating the information.


Phorm losses shoot up by half


@Anon Coward

"It's not that simple at all" - don't you just love fulled formed answers?


Maybe this...

...maybe this'll prompt Google and Yahoo! to change their useragent string? Afterall, it's being exploited for the purposes of copyright and ripa breaches...


@"Interesting" anonymous coward

Yeah, email them to get your site excluded. They'll then email the domain owner for validation, having gained the owner's contact details via a WHOIS lookup...

...only one very slight, teenyweeny, tiny little problem there:

"The registrant is a non-trading individual who has opted to have their

address omitted from the WHOIS service."

So you get two options - give your contact details to anyone who does a WHOIS on your domain, or get your website PHORMed. I think not.

BT's Phorm small print: It's all your fault


@The new T&C - "Significant disadvantage"

Other than being contrary to set contract-law (I believe it's law that material changes to a contract have to be validated by both sides), this new T&C only comes into affect if you accept them...

...so if you get this new T&C, you ring BT and say "You've nulled my contract due to material disadvantage" and they reply with "it's SIGNIFICANT, read the T&C", you can quite easily counter it with "no it's not, I've not accepted that material change to the previous T&C, by which I am bound".

They can't hold you to something you've not agreed.

@Sandy Cosser

"People always forget to read the fine print" - actually, people are reading the fine print and aren't liking what they find there, either. So do you work for BT, PHORM or an external PR company?


A child cannot consent

A child cannot concent to be intercepted under RIPA due to their minor-status. BT need to be able to ensure an adult has consented. The only way to do this properly is with the account-holder's password.

Also yeah, they have a website opt-out email address, but as I previously noted, they then email the domain owner to ensure to opt-out is valid, having gained the domain owner's contact details from a WHOIS on the domain.

'cept of course, lots of domains are non-trading individuals', and as such most likely don't have such information in their WHOIS.

The existance of an opt-out email address also does not absolve BT/PHORM from complying with the terms and conditions set out on a website - especially those bits that explicitly deny consent to being intercepted.

ITV gets adverts into video


@Nic Brough

That's why it's only user-generated content, I expect - they don't wanna risk the wrath of the media lawyer...
