per passenger km
It's going to make congestion in London a lot worse if they have 747s taxiing down the buslanes torepalce the tube.
203 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jun 2008
Ros Anderson's proof of how to do a man-in-the-middle attack on the super secure chip is a little artificial.
The real fraud that occured at Tescos and Esso stations just after the cards were launched was much simpler. The pin for the chip is the same as the pin for your magstipe+ATM. Just put a little recorder on the handset and you have the pin and a swipe of the magstipe and you have all you need to make an ATM card.
Having the same pin for both is simply to avoid the cost of upgrading all ATMs and tills to the chip - but it makes the card much less secure than it used to be.
>If Citi reinvests its Asian profits in expanding to countries outside the US, say Eastern Europe >or Africa or South America, I don't quite see why they should pay a tax to the US.
It's when Citi (Bermuda) charges Citi (USA) a licence fee for every transaction, so that Citi (USA) makes a loss and the only profit is made in tax-free Bermuda that the government gets interested. This is what Dell,Google and MS did in Ireland to avoid paying tax in the UK and Germany.
>And I agree that a 911 is an absurb 'practicality' target
But it makes sense from a business point of view.
If you were a small Californian hifi company it would make a lot more sense to try and sell $10,000 audiophile amps than try to compete to make iPods.
Fiat/Hyundai/VW etc will knock out an electric vehicle for the masses but if you are first in the market it makes a lot more sense to pick the profitable customers.
Especially since the torque characteristics of an electric motor mean you get huge 0-60 acceleration.
>And BEWARE of Daimler AG ... they looted and F'd over Chyrsler
So that's how Mercedes learnt how to build cars by copying the PT cruiser?
Lets hope they don't manage to snap up Vauxhall.
>WHERE does the electricity come from?
If harnessed properly, internet flames could provide 97.6% of our electrical needs.
A group of posters, specially selected for IQ, locked in a room and fed on Daily Mail and Fox news can provide an endless (if rather noisy) source of power.
>There are tutorials to write apps that allow users to send fluffy kittens for free.
Don't they get stuck in the tubes?
It would be fun though - you could have a bot network sending millions of kittens to someone.
Imagine millions of kittens being delivered to parliament, certainly beats the e-petitions.
(cos there isn't a kitten icon)
The scandal isn't the politicos smoking a joint in college - it's that the same lying b*ards then making it a class B drug the day before the scientific evidence came out in order to appeal to a few Daily Fail readers.
If the young lady was a British politician she would be busy calling for the licencing of mobile phone cameras to 'protect the children'.
>If that's the case, then the hosting firm will *surely* also decline to host a website for Labour,
>Conservative, SWP or any other party.
I'm sure they would happily host any party's site that paid.
What they might object to is a site that is likely to get a huge volume of traffic being hosted on a cheap personal site package.
Otherwise all the people that are sharing a single copy of Apache running on the same cheap 1U server as the BNP site might reasonably complain.
The state aim of Nasa is to advance scientific knowledge. Flying aging senators to LEO and back or taking historic basketballs and schoolkids drawings with them is not science.
Their choice to have a ex-military, ex-astronaut as leader suggests that it is back to the 60s of having square jawed crew cut (although now racially diverse) heroes pointlessly going where everyone has gone before. In order to prove their superiority over 3rd world countries that merely efficiently and cheaply launch useful payloads.
Being a war time pilot is not a basis for leading Nasa, anymore than it is for being president. The USSR chose it's political and industrial leaders on the basis of them having fought at Stalingrad - that worked out well for them.
It's had a lot of replacement parts, pretty much only the bodywork and the (faulty) mirror are original. It also sat in a box for 5years after Challenger blew up so it's even longer life than they are claiming.
They have also been lucky that it's been an unusually quiet solar cycle and so there hasn't been as much atmospheric drag as expected.
The life of ISS is a bit more political, it can stay up there as long as you are prepared to repair/replace bits and boost it's orbit.
His timing was just bit off, If the US (also) had a right wing authoritarian government that had run out of ideas, was facing defeat and needed a quick 'wont someone thing of the children' policy they would have leapt at it.
Wouldn't have worked - but at least someone would have answered the phone.
The French eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans.
The Japanese eat very little fat and also have fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans.
The French drink excessive amounts of red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans.
The Japanese drink very little red wine and also have fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans.
Conclusion: It's speaking English that kills you.
>I have to take exception to "fire an AK47 at the feet of an immigrant worker who's stolen your job"
I think it's terrible that we are reduced to using foreign guns to fire at the feet of our immigrants.
In my day we used proper British guns.
Goes off to write to the Telegraph......
These machines are behind a firewall right
They only have official paid for software installed
They are only used for official government business, no looking at dodgy websites.
USB keys aren't allowed anymore.
They are managed by expensive EDS/Cap Gemini/IBM etc consultants.
Shouldn't somebody be fired when a machine gets a virus?
There is a difference between being able to tap a limited number of international calls manually and a completely invasive fishing system.
Visit a website that had a GreenPeace ad AND your cell phone was in London duirng an Earth Day protest = better flag you as a possible anti-government activist.
Then we can check up if you apply for a government job, or log your car number plate if you go within 100mi of a nuclear power station.
So this foreign terrorist (fund manager=same thing) illegally photographed one of our fine boys in blue who was either in fear of his life from a vicious football hooligan / helping an elderly gentlemen out of the way of vicious protesters (depends if you a sun/telegraph reader).
I hope they get this scum off our streets soon.
Doesn't have to be 'sub'
DSL failed at all the offices on our business park, no JCBs in sight, phones still worked etc. BT claimed nothing had changed at the exchange.
Turned out somebody installing a new phone line had decided to 'tidy-up' a junction box and manged to patch all the DSL lines to the exchange 1mile away, via a village 5miles in the other direction.
BT only checks the lines are intact and only do a DSL survey with a new installation - they have no system for dealing with anything that changes after a line is installed. It took a week of calls to different bits of BT to get us back online.
>They insisted it was up there, even though the US couldn't ever track it on radar
Yes but remember that many tin pot little third world countries are able to build up huge fleets of weapons of mass destruction that are completely invisible and undetectable even when you have taken the country apart.
>Ireland made a lot of hay while they were the cheapest manufactiring site in the EU
They were also a nice little tax haven. Eire has the lowest corporation tax in europe. Dell somehow managed to make a loss on every machine they sold in Germany while paying tax on them in Eire - they got a little telling off for this recently.
It's a shame for the friendly and helpful people in Dell's Irish SME office - but if your country is competing in the high tech manufacturing by simply being the cheapest workforce you had this coming.
>I'm always amused that our friends across the pond call vacuum tubes "valves."
Because they are a valve - they control the flow of electrical current like a valve does any other flow. What's does calling it a tube tell you?
Of course what do you expect from a country that calls a sport where you carry an egg shaped object in your hand 'football' instead of 'handegg'