not a big problem
luckily the phone isn't actually IN the headset, a quick redesign of the back panel that holds the phone in should fix it, maybe one with a little fan.
235 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jun 2008
As far as i know from forums the free daydreamvr only applies to the usa. Doesn't the new AI assistant rely on the user giving Google permission to monitor and store everything done on the phone? The NSA must be kicking themselves for not thinking of it first...get people to pay a fortune to have everything they do monitored.
I'm clearly missing something, as i understand it Uber drivers want the benefits of being a self employed driver, no expensive taxi license or extensive training to prove they're capable and trustworthy etc. and work the hours they want; but they want all the perks of being employees with holiday pay etc.
Microsoft were utterly clueless at every step, they created a nice phone OS that ran well on average hardware...then ran on the spot so their partners could release their offerings, which they eventually did half heartedly. Microsoft should have copied Apple and kept it all in house, setting a price they wanted on a release schedule that suited them instead of worrying about their so called 'partners'. Windows phone is now onto its third major OS upgrade with no upgrade path yet again for most users and special deals for US buyers that only served to alienate all other WP users; Sometimes it has seemed as if Microsoft was trying to fail.
Cameron and Osborne are selling the UK out to the Chinese, the UK is going to underwrite costs with a guaranteed market price, and no doubt we will foot the clean up what the hell are the Chinese bringing to this? other than potential jobs for a few bent politicians when they leave office?
We cant deny the guy is a moron but legally this whole case seems seriously flawed.
1. He wouldn't have been able to buy the gun if the US authorities weren't pretending to sell it which should be entrapment.
2. He has been charged under firearm laws when he isn't in possession of a firearm, he has a plastic toy, surely to make this charge stick they would have had to send him an actual gun.
Under this system of law, if i advertise a nuke for £100 but only send him a broken down PS1, he is guilty of having WMDs because that what he thought he was getting...this may be good enough for the US/UK governments but it shouldn't be good enough for a court of law.
I dropped out of my ICT teaching course when i realised there would be the minimum of the most basic programming involved, it was clear i would be teaching what basically amounted to MS Office for beginners; Incredibly I would also have had to teach things that were patently wrong due to changes in technology, I just couldn't face years of that. It's incredibly unfair to blame the teachers, the bulk of what they teach is dictated to them, they only have leeway in how they teach it.
I attended a talk a couple of months ago given by the guy who spearheaded early xbox development, he said the sad fact was most of the team were men simply because women didn't apply.
You can't fix the problem with 'affirmative action', that's simply reverse racism/sexism where the best person for job is excluded because they don't meet your quota.