Re: Better than 95 because?
But saying your tablet or cell phone is gonna replace X86 is like saying toilet paper is gonna replace napkins because you wipe your behind more than your mouth!
I have yet to meet ANYONE that has gotten rid of their X86 for a tablet, and I've been in the trenches since 386DX...wanna know the truth? here are the facts: 1.- People buy more ARM because its in throwaway devices, how many cell phones you got in a sock drawer? Most people I know have at least 4, they get a new one with their plan and toss the previous in the sock drawer. 2.-People buy tablets to ADD to their X86, because its easier to use on a couch than a laptop. 3.-Since the MHz wars ended PCs became insanely overpowered, we are talking $300 triple and quad PCs and dual core laptops, so nobody replaces until they break, which because they actually pay for it, instead of being handed it "free" as with ARM, they actually take care of it and thus they can last for years.
So there you have it, still hundreds of millions of X86 units sold, 90%+ of them being sold with Windows, while they toss their ARM devices in the dump and get a new one. The future of ARM? $20 tablets being sold in Toys R Us, we are already seeing $45 Android tablets with ICS, in another year they will be as cheap as a pizza and considered no more worthwhile.