* Posts by Keir Snelling

55 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jun 2008


Rabbit murderer stalks Ruhr Valley

Keir Snelling
Dead Vulture

Bet it's a fox...

I once lived in a second floor flat. The tennants on the ground floor kept a rabbit in the garden, and had a little fenced off run for it, right below my bedroom window.

In the middle of the night we heard the most terrible noise from below. I got up and looked out of the window to see a fox mauling the rabbit.

Shouting at it alerted it to my presence, and it ran off. It being 4 in the morning, and seeing as no-one else appeared to have been woken, I went back to bed.

In the morning, as I was leaving for work, I noticed that the rabbit had been decapitated, and, now that I think about it, there wasn't a lot of blood noticible. Of course, I then knocked on my neighbours door to break the bad news, and to ensure that the rabbit's remains could be desposed of before the little girl who owned it came out to find it sans head.

eBay Terror Ambulances of DEATH menace UK - top cops

Keir Snelling
Black Helicopters

They're catching on...

"is the lack of legislation available for the police service to adequately address the threat of pseudo-emergency service vehicles."

Methinks that despite their low IQs, the cops are finally realising that our government will seriously consider legislating against and criminalising just about any behaviour that they request.

Since when did impersonating a police officer cease to be adequate?

I imagine that within times gone past, a top cop could approach the home sec, and ask if they would be so kind as to pass a new law against whatever, as it would make their jobs so much easier, thanks very much. Only to be frequently told to piss off and get on with their jobs using the existing laws as they stood.

It seems to me that those kinds of responses haven't been as frequent as they once were, and that the Old Bill are only just waking up to this. I'm dreading what awful afront to personal liberty they're going to think of next...Once the ACPO have shared this new found enthusiasm for law making amoungst themselves I'm sure there's going to be all manner of requests heading to Jacqui Smith's inbox. Who knows, perhaps this is how she thinks she can assuage her guilt over stiffing them on back pay.

"Yes, sorry about the back pay and all that, it was out of my control, the chancellor point blank refused to pay it. Not my doing at all you see. How can I make it up to you then? Got any new laws you want passing? What? 42 days with out charge? I think I might be able to help you with that. Any thing else? Robot T-shirts, public photography, citizens disputing their rights with you? Oh yes, I think we do something about all those too."

Black Helicopter, 'cause I'm sure there will be one overhead shortly, now they know I've rumbled their ruse.

Force listeners onto DAB by killing FM

Keir Snelling
Thumb Down


Experience digital sound quality, the DAB promos shouted.

Well, if by quality they meant an over compressed media stream using a lossy format, then they were correct.

With many radio stations storing their music in already compressed form on hard drive libraries, and then re-compressing during broadcast for DAB, the sound quality quickly drops to terrible levels.

One reason I'm in no hurry to get a DAB player.

Heart Internet spreads the love passwords

Keir Snelling

You've got to love 'Human Error' stories like these.

Reminds me of a previous job I had when an HR bod managed to send a spreadsheet to the whole company detailing generic anticipated bonus payouts or some such, not realising that on the second worksheet they'd left all of their working data, including the salary of every employee at the head office.

Cue frantic call to the email admin (me) to try and retrieve said email from 450 mailboxes. Having compared my salary to that of my peers, (yes, I looked, despite being asked to delete the emails without actually reading one), I had to say that I wasn't feeling the most valued employee at the time.

Disgruntled admin gets 63 months for massive data deletion

Keir Snelling
Gates Halo

How did they know about the printers?

At a guess, I'd say MS Remote Desktop. The client has a default setting that maps local printers to the terminal server. The client will advertise all of its local printers to the terminal server, and if the server has a matching driver, the printer will map. This is all recorder in the event log.

Bill, holy, because his software led to the guy being caught.
