* Posts by Neoc

1693 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jun 2008

Malaysia is working on an internet 'kill switch', says minister


“The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.

To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.

To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”

― Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

CrowdStrike meets Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will


"Our content validator failed." So does this mean that NO-ONE in CrowdStrike uses their own product. Or even does such simple testing as loading it in a test machine and see what happens?

Net neutrality in danger again: US appeals court puts FCC's resurrected rule on hold


I don't understand the telecoms' decision to appeal.

They're screwed either way:

If they lose: they become Common Carriers (yay for the common people) which means Net Neutrality, but also they cannot be held responsible for the crap they allow through their networks.

If the win: no Common Carrier status (yay for them) but also it could then be argued that they are now responsible for any illegal communications passing through their networks (since they are so gung-ho on saying it's their rights to decide what to do with the traffic based on who/what is behind it).

Techie installed 'user attitude readjustment tool' after getting hammered in a Police station


Re: Could have been worse

That'd be "THUD". Don't forget "The" at the front.


'user attitude readjustment tool'

You misspelled 'Luser'. The proper acronym is LART.

Tokyo wags finger at Google for blocking Yahoo Japan! from using ad tech


Honestly, regulators should stop basing fines on Revenue (which companies are great at minimising except in some countries) and instead should base it on Income. Preferably, Global Income. A nice percentage hit on GI per offence would be a nice wake-up call.

Google all at sea over rising tide of robo-spam


"Imagine sites had the option to publish a quality statement online, much as they must have a privacy statement now"

BWAHAHAHA! Because, of course, NO Evil(tm) website would ever DREAM of faking this statement.

Belgian beer study acquires taste for machine learning


Oh great. In a few years from now, all alcohol will taste the same - whatever it is that marketing decided would sell most, regardless of individual tastes.

Grok-1 chatbot model released – open source or open Pandora's box?


While I am a BIG fan of Douglas Adam's HHGttG, isn't "Grok" from Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land"?

Microsoft: Copyright law didn't stop the VCR and shouldn't stop the LLM


Read again. The "for non-private use" is the kicker, as you yourself pointed out.


Apples and oranges:

The VCR is a tool that allows the making of recordings. Of itself, it breaches no copyrights or patents. Using a VCR to create recordings using copyrighted material for non-private use is a breach of copyright.

The LLM trainer is a tool that allows the making of LLMs. Of itself, it breaches no copyrights or patents. Using a Trainer to create LLMs using copyrighted material for non-private use is a breach of copyright.

Or to put it another way:

The <tool> is a tool that allows the making of <product>. Of itself, it breaches no copyrights or patents. Using a <tools> to create <products> using copyrighted material for non-private use is a breach of copyright.

Feel free to replace <tool> and <produc>t as you wish (e.g. "DVD Burner", "DVDs")

Stuck paying for your apartment's crummy internet? FCC boss Rosenworcel wants to help


Down in my neck of the wood (Australia), we have the NBN which owns the physical lines. Myself, I am lucky in that I managed to score Fiber-to-the-kerb*. I then get to pick my ISP to supply me with the data through that phsyical cable and I pay the ISP for my access. The ISP pays the NBN based on the amount of traffic they want to push through the various cables around the country. I don't need to know what it is, because that cost baked in my ISP's fee and not added as a fee or tax or whatever on top.

Of course I could also go 5G or Satellite, but my location stinks for 5G reception and too many storms to make satellite worthwhile.


* For my American audience, this is not a mispelling. Kerb: a stone edging to a pavement or raised path. Curb: a check or restraint on something. So far as know, the USA uses curb for kerb - but then again, folks over there use check for cheque. <shrug>

US patents boss cannot stress enough that inventors must be human, not AI


It has nothing to do with who came up with the idea. It has to do with who can be brought to answer for the Patent. A human being (or a corporation via its board/owners) can be made to answerable and, if necessary, brough to court.

AI cannot be (yet) and thus AI cannot hold patents.

It's ba-ack... UK watchdog publishes age verification proposals


Let's see:

1) Open banking, where a bank confirms a user is over 18 without sharing any other personal information.

Yes please, I want a MitM attack to be able to sniff out what bank I belong to and my credentials. Yummy,

2) Mobile network operator (MNO) age check, where the responsibility is shunted onto an MNO content restriction filter that can only be removed if the device user can prove to the MNO that they are over 18.

Sounds great. So, apart from the hassle to the MNO, the UK Gov *does* remember that not everyone uses only a mobile device to access the 'net, right?

3) Photo ID matching, where an image of the user is compared to an uploaded document used as proof of age to verify that they are the same person.

And who does the matching? And what if you're on a PC that doesn't have a webcam? Can the kiddies simply hold a photo of Mom/Dad in front of whatever camera is being used?

4) Credit card checks, where a credit card account is checked for validity – in the UK, credit card holders must be over 18.

Yeah! That's what I want! My credit card details spread around the internet to any website that deems that the require it for age checking. How long before a plethora of dodgy sites turn up saying their contents require age confirmation, fork over your details thanks?

5) Digital identity wallets and, our favorite, facial age estimation, where the features of a user's face are analyzed to estimate the user's age.

I don't have a digital wallet, and facial recognition again requires you to have a camera.

Really. I swear it seems like there's a requirement for common sense to be surgically removed before you're allowed to run for office.

Roblox investor plays hardball over 'weak' parental controls


Lemme get this straight:

Kiddies could spend too much money on Roblox and use it to buy tix, or whatever.

Someone makes loud noises that children spending should be moderated.

Roblox complies, leading the LESS SPENDING BY THE CHILDREN.

Investors, who apparently got blindsided by this "giving less money to those who spend it means less revenue" concept, now sue Roblox for drop in revenue.


Someone else has a go at reforming US Section 702 spying powers – and nope, no warrant requirement


Any Bill, in any government, that exempts politicians, elected officials and the like should immediately be taken to the back of the shed and put down. If it's good enough for the people, it should be good enough for them. After all "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear", right?

California governor vetoes bill requiring human drivers in robo trucks


Leaving aside the question as to whether or not they are capable of doing what's written on the box, the idea of mandating "autonomous" vehicles to have a human driver completely negates the purpose of these vehicles.

Either the vehicles are "autonomous" or they aren't. Personally, I'd rather way more testing to happen before the :autonomous" tag is allowed for a vehicle.

US military F-35 readiness problems highlighted in aptly timed report


"The DoD originally designed the F-35 program with management of sustainment operations placed squarely in the hands of contractors"

Des that mean the DoD will push for a new Federal "Right to Repair" bill?


Never understood that decision

I remember watching a documentary, ages back now, about the development of the next fighter craft. When the X-35 won the contract, I was stunned - on all counts the X-35 appeared to be the lesser contender. Then I heard who was building it and it made sense.

US Republican party's spam filter lawsuit against Google dimissed


Re: More performative bullshit

"Hence also the right to get shot bear arms."

Admittedly, I am no an American so I have not studied the various paperworks with a magnifying glass, but:

"The right to bear arms" implies every individual is allowed to own/use weapons. Which, unsurprisingly, is the "amendment" that gets touted by the NRA and various other groups. However, I believe the line is actually "a well-armed militia". A militia is defined as "a body of citizens organized for military service". Note here: "a body of" and "organized for military service". Not: "everyone" and "feels paranoid about the government".

OK, I probably exaggerate on that last one. But my point it, it doesn't talk about leave weapons in the hands of civilians, it talks about the ability for the populace to be gathered, handed weapon, trained, and used as an organised military group. Not a bunch of individuals who have their own weapons all the time.

UN cybercrime treaty risks becoming a 'global surveillance pact'


"EFF has called for the treaty to include wording that requires judicial authorization prior to surveillance, and to set minimum standards for data protection, such as putting limits on the purpose for collecting data and minimizing the amount of data that can legally be collected [PDF]."

Yes, because no agency or government has ever ignored a "thou shalt not.." provision in an Act or Law

I'm looking at you, FBI...

Tesla knew Autopilot weakness killed a driver – and didn't fix it, engineers claim


I feel sorry for the engineers.

Am I the only one who foresees these two engineers getting a couple of bad workplace reviews and then being fired for cause. Not because they dared say things His Muskness disapproves of, oh no - their work standards suddenly slipped after their testimony.



I can't even bring a bit of my psyche to feel sorry for Tesla. They named their software "autopilot" and threw it at a populace who relates that word to aircraft autopilots which are technically capable of taking off, flying the plane, and land without pilot interaction. (don't get me wrong, I still want meatbags behind the controls when I fly - but it's nice to know that said meatbags will be better rested after the drudgery of the flight is done by George).

The public saw "autopilot" and assumed a similar system capable of independent control. It is not even near that. For all their technological advances, the Tesla Advertising department committed an own-goal on this one.


You just answered your own question: "land of lawyers". Tesla has more money and lawyers.

Never mind room temperature, LK-99 slammed as 'not a superconductor at all'


I'd keep following this news cycle, but I've lost my apatite for it.

Linus Torvalds calls for calm as bcachefs filesystem doesn't make Linux 6.5


Me, I just want a FS/RAID pair that will allow me to use different-sized disks so I can upgrade/upscale the drives as they (eventually) fail.

Australia's 'great example of government using technology' found to be 'crude and cruel'. And literally lethal to citizens


For our cousins in the USA:

Labour (or the ALP) is roughly equivalent to the US Democrats.

The Liberals (or the LP) is roughly equivalent to the US Republicans.

The National Party (or NP) is roughly equivalent to the rednecks.

A while back, the Liberals and Nationals realised they couldn't beat Labour individually, so they joined forced and became the LNP.

And that should say it all*.

*No, the Labour party is not without its faults... but I dread the day the LNP merges with One Nation (you just KNOW it's coming).

US vendor accused of violating GDPR by reputation-scoring EU citizens


Re: Yet again

Well, no.

The parent company(ies) are Belgian, granted, but TeleSign is in California and even states it follow the "California Consumer Protection Act ".

'We hate what you’ve done with the place – especially the hate' Australia tells Twitter


I was being sarcastic.


"Why are the individuals/organisations that make the comments not being held legally responsible for their own comments if they are *unlawful* rather than simply distasteful?"

1) The majority of these comments are made anonymously - Yes, we COULD require that the platforms ensure they known who is on the other end of the line, but that way lies another madness (imagine someone like Putin being able to track down who doesn't like his policies).

2) The platforms ARE MAKING MONEY out of those comments. Why do people always overlook this bit? This is NOT "free speech", this is "speech paid by others". If they weren't making money one way or another, they wouldn't provide the platform. And as far as I am concerned, if you make money from a product your provide (in this case, a commenting platform) then it's up to you to make sure it follows the local laws where it is provided.

YMMV, of course.

Europe teases breaking up Google over ad monopoly


"He told The Register that he was referring to the Privacy Sandbox technology Google has been developing, which potentially obviates the need for a central ad exchange."

so... "we've been breaking the law, but don't punish us because we are developing a tool that will stop us from breaking the law again. Trust us. Would we lie to you?"

Whistleblower claims Uncle Sam is sitting on hoard of alien vehicles and tech

Black Helicopters

Re: Hoard of alien tech

Nope, it's in Area 52. Area 51 is there to distract you from the real supply depot.

Samsung's Galaxy S23 Ultra is a worthy heir to the Note


Re: No expandable storage, no deal

I'd agree, if the damn things were hot-swappable. I'd even 3-d print a holder for the sd cards and attach it to the tablet.


Lack of new WOW features.

Back in the late '00 (or even earlier than that - there were "smartphones" before the iphone and I had a couple of them) every time a new version of a phone came out there was usually a "wow" feature which differentiated it from the previous lot. FM radio (since removed, but it looks like it's about to be legislated back in as an emergency contact method requirement in some countries); IR blasters (which made your phone usable on ALL scanners, since removed); LIDAR (since removed, except on iphones); the list goes on.

In fact. most of the "wow" features I can think of were eventually removed in favour of more and bigger cameras, and the removal of the head-phone jack for no appreciable reason I can think of (especially since they can be made decently water-tight). The only thing that had my attention in the last few years was the foldable phones (Samsung, now Google and, if rumours are correct, Apple in the near future) but so far the folding mechanism is still unstable and the devices too bulky when folded. Hopefully they will improve.

Which is why I am still using an S10+ - subsequent offerings so far have just been incremental increases in capabilities. No "wow".


Re: No expandable storage, no deal

I have the same problem but with tablets as I use them to read book, magazines, comics and manga off-line. I currently have a 1TB microSD in my Tab 10 and I am running the razor's edge of having it filled. Luckily, so far, the series I have finished JUST manage to make room for new issues of the series I am still following.

Bring on the 2TB microSD. ^_^

Australia asks Twitter how it will mod content without staff, gets ghosted


Re: Those funds are needed, in part, because Twitter is moderating less content

To misquote Yes, Minister's "it's one of those irregular verbs, isn't it: I have an independent mind; you are an eccentric; he is round the twist.":

..."What I say is free speech, what you say is fake news, what he says is slander"...

Hey Apple, what good is a status page if you only update it after the outage?


Re: They could, at least, make it unavailable

Doesn't matter - you're obviously reading it wrong.

Microsoft will upgrade Windows 10 21H2 users whether they like it or not


Let's see (YMMV as to how good or bad a version is/was):

Windows 98 - Good

Windows ME - Bad

Windows XP - Good

Windows Vista - Bad

Windows 7 - Good

Windows 8 - Bad

Windows 10 - Good (?) Sort of.*

Windows 11 - Bad (?) I haven't tried it, and what people are reporting isn't making me want to.

Windows 12... oh, please be good, please be good.

* Had to go around MS to create a local user instead of being forced into using a MS account, added 3rd-party software to restore the old windows menu, etc, etc, etc. Why does MS (and a lot of other software maker) feel the need to modify the UI every time they bring out a new version?

Sonatype axes 14 percent of staff, reminds them not to talk to the press


Funny how most American companies' first move is to sack the people actually doing the job, but not the managers whose bad decisions led to the problem in the first place.

Lawyers join forces to fight common enemy: The SEC and its probes into cyber-victims


I must be missing something here - the FCC isn't asking for WHY the clients are with the firm, simply WHICH clients are.

I understand that the DEALINGS between a lawyer and their client is confidential, but I didn't think the fact that they WERE clients was covered...?

Learn the art of malicious compliance: doing exactly what you were asked, even when it's wrong


Re: !Steves Failure

Yes there is. Otherwise it'd be "Arm".

California toys with digital vehicle titles on private DMV blockchain


"One of the use cases cited by the DMV and Oxhead Alpha are interstate title transfers. Smith noted that faulty cars labeled "lemons" in California have notes placed on their titles, but can be taken out of state, transferred, and then brought back to California to lose that designation. "

??? OK, I don't know how it works in Cali (or the USA in general), but down here in QLD when you register a car you need to specify the VIN and the Engine Number. You then get the registration plates to attach to the car and they stay on the car until the registration expires. I am led to believe that in the USA you change the plate every time you pay your rego, which sounds like a waste to me, but hey what do I know?

Anyway - the registration details (and whether you've paid) is held in the system along with make/model/colour/VIN/EIN - and it's up to you to inform Transport (the local DMV) if these info change.

Sell the car? The owner details change - not the rest of the data - and the licence plate stays with the car.

My point (kinda lost track of it there) is that even is a car was sold inter-state, sold again, and then brought back, the system would have a record of the old VIN/EIN and would identify the car.

No block-chain required. Actually, I haven't been convinced of any situation where a block-chain would be the preferred solution (or in fact, an acceptable solution).

Shag pile PC earned techies a carpeting from HR


If a cow-orker* leaves their terminal unlocked for too long:

- move a (large) number of icons off the desktop;

- take a screenshot of the now semi-denuded desktop;

- replace their background with the screenshot;

- move whatever icons are left on the screen to temporary storage;

- restore the icons you moved in the first step (in their appropriate spots).

Now watch as your friend comes back from lunch/meeting and wonders why only some icons responds to the mouse, even after a reboot.

* (thanks, dogbert)

Publisher halts AI article assembly line after probe


Re: you must credit it as an author

I beg to differ - if you are using the AI to write even the first draft of your paper, then the fact is relevant as it could introduce bias in the reporting.

As such, the use of AI should be not credited, but certainly reported.

If today's tech gets you down, remember supercomputers are still being used for scientific progress


Interesting. I know a different version (Siphonaptera) which post-dates Swift's 1733 offering but is, to me, nicer on the ear:

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em,

And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum.

End of the road for biz living off free G Suite legacy edition


"option"? what "option"?

I used the service for the household's personal email accounts. I wasn't given an option to switch to this mythical free option. Anyone know how I need to talk to?

EU lawmakers vote to ban sales of combustion engine cars from 2035


I'm curious on how non-EU vehicles will now traverse the EU. Will there still be petrol stations along the highways, or will they all have converted to 100% electric?

Microsoft, Apple, Google accelerate push to eliminate passwords


So we settle on fingerprints. But there are people out there without fingerprints due to missing hands/arms (and let's not forget those with Adermatoglyphia)

Oh, so what about iris scanning? Cataracts, anyone?

And, as someone rightly said, I can change my password/physical key if it gets compromised. How do I change my biometrics?

US judge dismisses Republican efforts to block release of Salesforce emails


Hey, RNC: "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear".

Sound familiar?

California suggests taking aim at AI-powered hiring software


If human beings can be made to justify their decisions, then AI software should also. If the software can't tell you WHY it made the decision, then hold the users in contempt. Yes, the users. Start fining the people/companies who use the software and see how quickly they flee developers who sell black boxes.