Penguins unite
2008, the year Android came out, was the year of the Linux desktop
66 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jun 2008
Unfortunately the NBN *did* make sense when it was FTTP. Only fibre will be able to surpass mobile. And telecommunications improvements have a disproportionally positive impact on the Australian economy due to our remoteness from the main economic centres.
You mention TV and windows updates. The main point is work. I have done 100% remote work for companies in Europe but it is hard due to Australia's poor internet. Honestly speed isn't even the main problem - reliability and availability are the main problems. Mobile is less reliable than ADSL - I know because I am forced to use mobile broadband even though I am in the Sydney metro area.
With all this wasted money on FTTN and HFC I doubt FTTP or FTTC will ever be properly rolled out. Australia will have to put up with second best yet again.
The biggest stumbling block I had with Firefox was that poorly written or slow javascript would freeze the whole browser. The same with shoddy extensions.
Since multi-process became available in release builds last year, I have been considering going back to Firefox on a day-to-day basis.
The primary advantages of flash have always been more permissive access to the local machine, decent multimedia and particularly DRM. Apart from that it really just duplicates javascript, video tags and SVG.
It was great in 1996 but with HTML5 all these features have been added to the browser. The last hold out was DRM but now flash is simply a buggy duplication of features in the browser. Having that functionality is a massive security risk.
I am a software engineer and have seen the problem first hand.
Me> The software on this box is out of date and not supported
PHB> We must have the lastest and supported and ra ra ra
Me> We need three weeks of development time and a couple of days of sysadmin time
PHB> Oh don't do that sales wants X
PHB> OMFGBBQ the shit has hit the fan
Me> Yes that is because we are running out of date software. Now our customers are pissed
PHB> No time for that, just keep it running
Having tried out a few smart TVs I am very happy to go back to my el-cheapo Android TV dongle.
Why can't I just stream from my phone (without needing an Apple TV box)? Why can't I just plug a DVD into the power and stream it to my TV without a bazillion wires? Why do I have to wait for Netflix etc. apps to be updated when they are available for Android?
The smart TV features could really use improvement, rather than 4K or 3D.
I know some hardcore conservatives in IT - people who constantly criticise Labor and the Greens - voted for Labor due to the NBN issue.
I would say it is less likely that these people will switch to Greens, however the Greens may be able to catch some of the small 'l' liberal voters at the centre right.
> If you are that keen on doing it via radio use beacons at each corner and a rotating flat high gain antenna on top of the GAGA. Measure signal and triangualate. 4 WiFi access points, different SSIDs and a 20db directional antenna will do the trick - total BOM of under 300£.
I think sticking to radio with a rotating directional antenna could work well. Look at the Direction Finding sections of the ARRL Antenna Book and the ARRL Handbook for ideas. A rotating loop antenna (with an encoder on the spindle) could work quite well, then (with a loop) you just look for the nulls.
You will probably need 3 beacons, in an L. You then have three angles from "forward". You can use these angles to triangulate the position, plus you get the mower's orientation.
Alternatively you could obtain a goat.
This is from the US Copyright office []:
"Copyright law does not protect recipes that are mere listings of ingredients. Nor does it protect other mere listings of ingredients such as those found in formulas, compounds, or prescriptions. Copyright protection may, however, extend to substantial literary expression—a description, explanation, or illustration, for example—that accompanies a recipe or formula or to a combination of recipes, as in a cookbook. "
My reading is that a list of ingredients is not subject to copyright, but the instructions of a recipe are subject to copyright ("...a description, explanation...")
Thus for the interviewee to state that it is "obvious" that recipes are not copyrighted is clearly incorrect. There is clearly a grey area regarding what elements of a recipe are subject to copyright.
I think the biggest problem is this statement "Cox had chosen to represent herself in this case". At face value it would appear that if an electronic publication has a wide enough reach for suing for defamation then it should have a pretty good argument that it should be big enough to qualify under the shield laws.
But the question is whether the shield laws should even be invoked. Cox should have proof - emails, documents etc. - that her source provided. Did she state both sides of the story and request a response to the allegations from the company involved (as any reputable journalist would do)?
Also the judges may have stuck by the letter of the law - do Oregon shield laws specifically list the types of media which are covered?
All these things seem to point to the fact that Cox needs a solicitor, rather than just making a mess herself.
The great thing about the old Dr Who was the writing. In particular the doctor would usually solve everything without blowing anything up or shoving his sonic screwdriver up their nose.
The doctor would usually go between the two sides and convince both sides that the other side were awfully nice chaps. Then they everyone would sit down for tea and cucumber sandwiches at the end. Huzzah.
Fortunately things have picked up with Moffat doing the writing. There is only one canonical episode as far as I am concerned - the episode where Rowan Atkinson is the doctor (Dr Who and the Curse of the Fatal Death) which was also written by Moffat.
Surely there is only one way to reply to that: You don't frighten us, English [German] pig dogs. Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called "Arthur King," you and all your silly English [German] K-nig-hts.
My two favourite phones were the W880i and the K700i. The UI was well laid out. The buttons felt good (especially the W880i). Unfortunately both have met their end (my son decided that the W880i needed a drink of water) so I am slumming it with an HTC Sensation - oh well.
Numerous times I tethered the W880i when my ADSL had gone down and using the browser to do the car registration on the way to the mechanic.
Just so I am not accused of being a total fanboi: the K700i sometimes crashed during a call, the browser on the W880i frequently crashed and Sony insisted on using their own crappy SD card format which cost $$$$$.
If RSA has had a breach of both the seed and mapping - it should be absolutely possible for them to discard the compromised seed and the mapping key. Then they can create a new seed, a new mapping key and start issuing new tokens to ensure their customers remain secure.
Paris also has some trouble securing her intellectual property...
Although this reactor has been well designed and has coped reasonably well with an incident which was beyond its design requirements - nature can and frequently does through a spanner in the works.
Also the Japanese operators have done a great job keeping everything under control. What if the operators were not as skilled or the plant itself was not as well built?
The fact that the US Navy detected radioactive particles 100 km away destroys your argument that it is only affecting the site and local area.
Nuclear in its current form has dangers and the current proponents of nuclear power are not willing to come clean on the (admittedly small) dangers.
You might want to checkout what the ARRL Antenna Book or the ARRL Handbook has to say about masts. You might be able to get a decent mast that is taller than your house.
You might also want to check out the amateur radio classifieds (RSGB in the UK I think) for any decent sized masts.
Why is it that:
1. If in a lab I have a glass box with air and a glass box with air+extra CO2 - the CO2 box will warm up faster?
2. The Vostok ice cores show a correlation between increased CO2 and increased temperature?
The basic physics is there, the other evidence is there. Skeptics should explain it all or GTFO.
If U3 misreports the device type any security issues are U3's problem, not Microsoft's.
Microsoft has done the right thing by removing autoplay from writable media, while leaving the convenience of autoplay for read-only media.
About time... my Linux desktop doesn't have any autoplay vulnerabilities. I for one welcome our new penguin overlords.