I can believe this is real - I play World of Warcraft and i've met people a lot worse than that ;)
4 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jun 2008
For a start, if everyone is bashing Apple, why are they using Safari on windows in the first place?
And secondly, this may be a large problem for windows users, who are constantly at risk from viruses and adware etc etc, but personally, using OSX I've never had a problem with any of this.
Its blaringly obvious a lot of the time how many sites try to install rubbish on your desktop, when every so often i find "maliciousfile.exe" sitting on my OSX desktop, and thats all it does, because it doesn't work on my operating system.
Apple and Microsoft's attitude to each other's platforms is mirrored in this case. Apple have little reason to fix an error which affects mainly windows users, much in the same way Micrsoft refuses to adapt key bits of software properly for use on OSX (Messenger.. Office).
If you have a problem with adware ending up on your windows desktop because of this, don't use an Apple browser.