Now watch the movie
OK, it's a spoof but it sounds far better than Avatar.
85 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jun 2008
She just should.
Seriously, if we are going to be bashing someone for being out of touch we should also look at the surveys in Britain that show a large minority of people think women who have been raped were partly responsible because they wore revealing clothes. Still, go on feel superior.
It used to be nigh on impossible to sell pork from animals fed on acorns because the flesh is a nasty black colour. Acorns are about the cheapest type of pig feed you could get. The only way they could top this leg of ham is to sell one from pigs fed exclusively on rats.
A food connoisseur is just a wallet with a few brain cells attached.
neu-rural English fascists. Looks like a bunch of "I bought an overpriced, dingy retirement dwelling" types met their match with another nutter who can actually type stuff into the internets. Why don't some gypsies move into the bottom meadow and give them something they can really seethe over? Guy, the golf club secretary, could show them anti-human mines he used to sell to the Iraqis before he was prosecuted and they can plan their NIMBY paradise over a traditional Sunday lunch of duck cassoulet with a Château Lynch Bages Medoc.
AP, UP and Reuters bounce around speculative stories which are then published as facts for a couple of days until the truth comes out. No one apologises or prints retractions and the general public only remembers the original story.
Any news organisation which doesn't do its own fact checking and depends on repeating gossip deserves to fail.
Gary McKinnon is either guilty or innocent. We won't know which until he is tried. If the court find him guilty they can take his personal circumstances into account. Where's the injustice?
Yesterday we were told a wonderful, loving granny has been convicted to 8 years by another cruel, undemocratic, justice system - the French. She was smuggling drugs and freely admitted it.
These aren't stories about justice, just small-minded British prejudice.
the food party and the shelter party. My understanding of primitive drives says that the "kill anyone who doesn't fit in" party should win every time (AKA UKIP and Republicans). I want to vote using the conscious part of brain and a spoiled ballot seems the only choice.
I remember a story on page three about a woman who may (or more likely, may not) have flashed at her neighbour. According to the Sun she said "look at my t*ts". The asterisk was theirs not mine. What a shower of hypocritical shit. So let's applaud a random act of censorship for getting it right for once. It was bound to happen some time.
as in "I'm just the water boy, the real game's not over here". It ignores the fact that people have far more choices in other areas. It seems kind of dim to assume that if you are good at science/maths you only have intelligence related to those fields and have no other choices. Take a look at the wider world and the real question is why women are more attracted to other disciplines.