See the paper I quoted on Termite which is open source BTW. The abstract is below.
Termite Scheme is a variant of Scheme intended for distributed
computing. It offers a simple and powerful concurrency model,
inspired by the Erlang programming language, which is based on a
message-passing model of concurrency.
Our system is well suited for building custom protocols and ab-
stractions for distributed computation. Its open network model al-
lows for the building of non-centralized distributed applications.
The possibility of failure is reflected in the model, and ways to
handle failure are available in the language. We exploit the exis-
tence of first class continuations in order to allow the expression of
high-level concepts such as process migration.
The real trick is three fold; being functional Termite does not need a store only an environment, secondly everything in Gambit can be serialised and sent over a network connection including running code, and finally continuations (or put simply what is going to happen next) are first class objects so you can stop a program, serialise it, transmit it to another location and continue running even across different architectures.