a JEDWARD icon to be used to signify the total pointlessness
697 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jun 2008
I have two science heroes
Yuri Gagarin - he really did venture into the unknown with the great possibility of death
Enrico Fermi - similar as he stood next to the first ever atomic chain reaction, anything could have happened
Very nice statue - what a contrast to that other statue in the news this week
Just tested this out.
Uploaded an mp3 file* to my Amazon cloud.
Then copied the link and pasted it into browser.
Yes you can play it directly with Winamp, and therefore anything else probably.
The big drawback is that you have to sign in to your Amazon account to listen to it or download it.
So It's slightly less use than a 4Gb memory stick, and less instantly available too, and definitely less portable across devices, which is, erm, where Amazon came in.
* I own the copyright
(a) has been invented but travellers have kept it secret so far
(b) has been invented but travellers can not be seen or interact
(c) has been invented in the future but travellers can not go back in time
(d) has been invented in the future but travellers can not go back as far as our time
(e) has been invented in the future but nobody has visited our time yet
(f) has been invented in the future but travellers to our time were not believed
(g) has been invented in the future but travellers to our time were captured on arrival
(h) has been invented in the future but is not yet stable enough for human travel
(i) never gets invented