They will just move on to the next site...
Coxsackie, NY
30 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Apr 2007
They should spend thier money on getting better than FireFox or Chrome, rather than pushing for MS. Else they should get really serious.
No Browsers included with ANY OS.. Just because you can't uninstall IE doesn't mean they should bitch about it.. Let's take it further - Make sure you can not ship a browser with any OS.. Safari - Gone, IE - Gone. KDE has a browser Right? GONE..
Opera preinstalled ? NFW!!!
I hope this gets an IP lawsuit. Other than that.. PETA is the reason there are so many accidents involving dear in PA, You can't hunt dear on national lands in the US, because when they schedule a hunt there are PETIDIOTS running around the woods in dear costumes..
What I propose is a national initiative to re-seed the population of Cougar that originally controled the dear population. And then make sure we dress up some of these idiots as dear.
It's not even a "Pointing Device". If it was, you could actually Aim the litte sucker.. It's all shooting from the hip with the remote. All it has is a camera to watch the IR on the "Sensor" bar, which is nothing more than an emitter. I'm wondering if they have sued Gyration. I'm sure they don't have a pattent on the mouse.
Why are you even bothering to report how bad a Beta is?
MS Betas are horrible, nasty Crap, that I wouldn't put in a ShoeBox!
But come on!! It's like your cronies got around a table and said "Ha Ha Bill Gates talked it up.. Let's trash it!" You're comming off as crybabies.
No Directx 9.0c? No .Net 2.0? Both of thoes have been out for at least 2 years. Somehow I doubt your collective "We" computer came up to the minimum specs..
August 2004 for DirectX 9.0c, January 2006 for .Net 2.0 if you were wondering.
With apple's horrible 3rd party games developer support for OS X for games, this seems unlikely. Maybe that will change. But EA has stated on a number of occations that they have talked to Apple to get better games support into OS X, but so far nothing.
id has always had thier OS X support, though.. Does anyone think that this has to do with the guy that took a day to get Quake 3 Arena on to pair of iPhones for some deathmatch action? And it played well too!