so totally unusable then
Now if it'd put KDE in my pocket... or XFCE... or LXDE... or Enlightenment... or MATE...
61 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jun 2008
Investigations in aviation industry are centred on finding the root cause of the accident, not the guilty party - that's true, but if this cause is found to be violation of rules mandatory for the industry the fur will fly - look what they did to Boeing for that 737 MAX thing. And Optus, as far as I can infer from the Register article, is yet to master ISO 9000.
A phone must be able to survive the slings and arrows of everyday usage including the drop on concrete from the typical height without - mind it - without additional protection. This means that glass is not an acceptable material for the back panel. Just isn't. And rounded corners are not cool. The day when they learned how to do cut shapes out of the proper rectangular screen, and proceeded doing so instead of re-watching Jurassic Park, is the saddest day in smartphone history. The phone is an information device - a computer. Would you use a monitor with rounder corners? Or a notch? Why should the phone have them - they are screen defects. This screen is defective.
So the ignorant hack who wrote this piece copypasted the abstract several times repeating what happens again and again, but got brain-freeze before the part explaining WHY this happens. Let me amend that:
The UV flux drops substantially with increasing metallicity, creating seemingly more favourable conditions for life. However, metallicity affects radiation in the O3-producing Herzberg continuum much more strongly than in the O3-destroying Hartley band. Thus, the net photochemical effect leads to a decrease of O3 with metallicity.
Thanks for drawing attention to that, but otherwise it was utterly unprofessional.
2016? ahem... production of "cargo trolleybus" started in Ukraine almost 50 years ago.
https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%B8%D1%97%D0%B2%D1%81%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B9%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%81 (in Ukrainian)
So voice assistants where mysteriously and instinctively rejected? Sorry to prick this bubble, but there is no mystery in that, and it has nothing to do with our instinctive concern for our privacy - the same people are cheerfully using facebook and such which are a much bigger privacy sinkhole. The truth is that voice assistants are rejected because they fail dismally at all but simplest of tasks. The best they can do is, instead of learning to understand your language, to train YOU to say specific phrases to get certain results - just like using a programming language with a fixed syntax. As PAs they are complete and utter crap.
Oh, and disabling google apps' access to the microphone is a very good idea.
All encryption uses CPU, wastes electricity, generates heat and melts baby seals. Indiscriminate and unwarranted use of https could be doing even more harm. Accessing banking site over https is justified and sensible, watching cat videos over https is pointless and harmful to the environment.
What Microsoft was doing with windows UI since NT4/95 is not progress, it's change. Mindless and pointless - just like those cars with lots of new chrome and fins every year on top of the same horrid stuff underneath. And they are not alone - look at Android, IOS, Gnome, KDE...
It is a well-known fact that Kaspersky defeats virii (yes, I am from *that* time :) by sheer slowing the machine down to the point when they give up and die. I will never forget Eclipse starting in a couple of seconds without Kaspersky and over 3 minutes - yes MINUTES, with.
While I am not in any way approving this, it looks like illumination rounds, not some kind of attack ammunition, so they are probably trying to be extra careful and avoid hitting it by accident. Cheap sensationalism.
Can't stand those artificial retro rounded screen corners. I mean if screen is following the rounded corners of phone's body it is a reason to have them. Nowhere near a good one, but at least some sort of a reason, but this - when they cut (or probably just covered) screen corners to make it look like that silly trend... Sick. I would hate looking at it regardless of how good it is.
Why CSP is pretty much useless as security tool has been discussed in several comments, more importantly CSP can be used to track client-side script modifications and/or blocking - i.e. adblocking. If you installed adblocker you most probably would want to block CSP too, so the default uBlock behaviour is correct. Good job, uBlock!