* Posts by lvm

61 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jun 2008


FuriPhone FLX1: A Debian-powered brick that puts GNOME in your back pocket


so totally unusable then

Now if it'd put KDE in my pocket... or XFCE... or LXDE... or Enlightenment... or MATE...

Enterprises in for a shock when they realize power and cooling demands of AI


Multivac is coming!

In old sci-fi computers where huge lumbering powerhouses, and they where smart. For a while we believed that this was the future, then this concept started to look vieux jeu, and suddenly it's very much not so.

Flying taxis cleared for takeoff under new US aviation rules


Re: So what in heck...

AW609 then?

Campaigners claim 'Privacy Preserving Attribution' in Firefox does the opposite

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Not true

Learned about this setting from this article, checked the setup - and it's off, so it is definitely NOT turned on by default. It may be on in the new profile - too lazy to check, but so is all other telemetry, so why so much attention to this particular feature? Clickbait.

Alibaba signs to explore one-hour rocket deliveries


Re: Maybe Chinese calendars

Nah, if you click through to the original Chinese article, it was on time, even a tad early. The delay should be attributed solely to credulous hacks.

Cutting-edge microscopy reveals bottled water has 'up to 100 times' more bits of plastic than previously feared


Re: Sales argument

Sadly vast majority of plastics and all of those that can be found in bottled water are biologically inert. So no value, no harm and a lot of unfounded sensationalism.

Bank boss hated IT, loved the beach, was clueless about ports and politeness


bullshit detected

"He moved the cable from the RJ45 socket, where it did not fit, to the RJ11 receptacle, where it did." - not true, it DOES fit - same height, same latch, only narrower. Locks in place perfectly, quite easy to do.

Stop shaming service providers for outages, argues APNIC chief scientist


Investigations in aviation industry are centred on finding the root cause of the accident, not the guilty party - that's true, but if this cause is found to be violation of rules mandatory for the industry the fur will fly - look what they did to Boeing for that 737 MAX thing. And Optus, as far as I can infer from the Register article, is yet to master ISO 9000.

Researcher bags two-for-one deal on Linux bugs while probing GNOME component


Disabling file indexer is an important part of new system decrudification checklist

Utterly useless CPU hog.Only in my world it is called baloo :)

Honey, can you shrink the plugin? Mozilla allows desktop extensions on Firefox for Android


Do I know something they don't?

I've been using extensions on Firefox (well, Fennec, but they are the same) for android for years. Ublock origin and Darkreader are the two things which makes browsing bearable.

Have you ever suspected your colleague doesn't hope this email finds you well?*


The last one doesn't have the correct choice

The best coworker is the one who leaves you in peace.


Japanese supermarket watches you shop so AI can suggest more stuff to buy


Now where did I see the idea of ad-slinging avatar?

Oh yes, the Zero Theorem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs8GxPO55tM

Samsung’s midrange A54 is lovely, but users won't feel seen


Like most, a piece of horrid designer crap with defective screen

A phone must be able to survive the slings and arrows of everyday usage including the drop on concrete from the typical height without - mind it - without additional protection. This means that glass is not an acceptable material for the back panel. Just isn't. And rounded corners are not cool. The day when they learned how to do cut shapes out of the proper rectangular screen, and proceeded doing so instead of re-watching Jurassic Park, is the saddest day in smartphone history. The phone is an information device - a computer. Would you use a monitor with rounder corners? Or a notch? Why should the phone have them - they are screen defects. This screen is defective.

Metal-rich stars inhibit chances of life on their planets

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How NOT to write

So the ignorant hack who wrote this piece copypasted the abstract several times repeating what happens again and again, but got brain-freeze before the part explaining WHY this happens. Let me amend that:

The UV flux drops substantially with increasing metallicity, creating seemingly more favourable conditions for life. However, metallicity affects radiation in the O3-producing Herzberg continuum much more strongly than in the O3-destroying Hartley band. Thus, the net photochemical effect leads to a decrease of O3 with metallicity.

Thanks for drawing attention to that, but otherwise it was utterly unprofessional.

Move over, Google Earth. Caltech's here with a fresh 3D tour of Mars

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google earth had Mars for years

only desktop version though, not available in the newfangled web nonsense

China debuts bonkers hybrid electric trolley-truck


Re: European Pilot

2016? ahem... production of "cargo trolleybus" started in Ukraine almost 50 years ago.

https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%B8%D1%97%D0%B2%D1%81%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B6%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B9%D0%B1%D1%83%D1%81 (in Ukrainian)

Accidental WhatsApp account takeovers? It's a thing


Eventually this will happen to all of us

and this is not 'extremely rare' at all - we all will die.

A tip for content filter evaluators: erase the list of sites you tested, don't share them on 100 PCs


bullshit detected

"before browsers could be set to deny access to certain sorts of content" - oh really? Which modern desktop browser lets you block adult content on its own - without add-ons and such?

Canadian owes bosses for 'time theft' after work-tracking app sinks tribunal bid


Excuse me while I die laughing

"because she felt unproductive and that she was not performing as well as she should have been". How can anyone lie like that in court and get away with it?

Voice assistants failed because they serve their makers more than they help users



So voice assistants where mysteriously and instinctively rejected? Sorry to prick this bubble, but there is no mystery in that, and it has nothing to do with our instinctive concern for our privacy - the same people are cheerfully using facebook and such which are a much bigger privacy sinkhole. The truth is that voice assistants are rejected because they fail dismally at all but simplest of tasks. The best they can do is, instead of learning to understand your language, to train YOU to say specific phrases to get certain results - just like using a programming language with a fixed syntax. As PAs they are complete and utter crap.

Oh, and disabling google apps' access to the microphone is a very good idea.

Bitcoin worse for the climate than beef, say economists


all encryption is bad

All encryption uses CPU, wastes electricity, generates heat and melts baby seals. Indiscriminate and unwarranted use of https could be doing even more harm. Accessing banking site over https is justified and sensible, watching cat videos over https is pointless and harmful to the environment.

A match made in heaven: systemd comes to Windows Subsystem for Linux


a match made in heaven indeed

systemd abomination is a product which could've make microsoft proud - overcomplicated, unnecessary and addressing issues which don't exist. And using binary logs - just the way ms likes it.

The crime against humanity that is the modern OS desktop, and how to kill it


Re: That's 50's american cars all over again

Out of those I mentioned KDE is the best by far, but not completely free from the 'I was made to look new, not to be useful' stuff. KDE 3.5 was the daddy, after that - decadence. Plasma sucks.


That's 50's american cars all over again

What Microsoft was doing with windows UI since NT4/95 is not progress, it's change. Mindless and pointless - just like those cars with lots of new chrome and fins every year on top of the same horrid stuff underneath. And they are not alone - look at Android, IOS, Gnome, KDE...

Germany advises citizens to uninstall Kaspersky antivirus


I wouldn't recommend it to anyone regardless

It is a well-known fact that Kaspersky defeats virii (yes, I am from *that* time :) by sheer slowing the machine down to the point when they give up and die. I will never forget Eclipse starting in a couple of seconds without Kaspersky and over 3 minutes - yes MINUTES, with.

Europe's largest nuclear plant on fire after Russian attack


looks like starshell to me

While I am not in any way approving this, it looks like illumination rounds, not some kind of attack ammunition, so they are probably trying to be extra careful and avoid hitting it by accident. Cheap sensationalism.


RAID expansion comes to OpenZFS at last



Take md RAID (which you can reshape any way you like) and put a filesystem of your choice on top. And avoid these unholy raid+fs hybrids like plague.

Ooh, an update. Let's install it. What could possibly go wro-


Netware? Less than 20 years ago? Where was he working - Jurassic Park?

I last used it in the 90s...

Ubuntu desktop team teases 'proof of concept' systemd on Windows Subsystem for Linux


Good job!

Let's make windows even more windowsy by offloading linux junk there.

New GNOME Human Interface Guidelines now official – and obviously some people hate it


Who cares?

Gnome died with version 3, there is no need to kill it yet again.

How do you save an ailing sales pitch? Just burn down the client's office with their own whiteboard

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Voltage (or frequency) cannot do it to a mere cable, it requires overcurrent, and whiteboard cannot draw much, Power cables are not even rated for voltage. Now if it was not a *cable* but a power adapter... but then it was not an engineer but a sales droid.

FYI: You can trick image-recog AI into, say, mixing up cats and dogs – by abusing scaling code to poison training data

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how they want some attention...

So they found a bug in image scaling library, why not call it just that? Noooo, they will involve AI, ML and other trendy acronyms.

Get ready for a literal waiting list for European IPv4 addresses. And no jumping the line


to quote the classics...


Stones, meet glass house: Mind behind Windows 8 GUI disses Windows 10 over leak


Callingl windows GUI creator a MIND??? You've got some nerve, vulture.

Fantastic Mr Fox? Not when he sh*ts on your lawn, kids' trampoline and your soul


Usually an animal won't shit where it eats. Didn't have much experience with foxes but when a stray cat started using my garage as a toilet I put some food there which solved the problem immediately and efficiently. Of course now it lives there :)

JavaScript tracking punks given a thrashing by good old-fashioned server log analytics


Genius. Sheer genius. Its like 80s all over. I always said: if you want to get web usage stats don't pass to load to clients' browsers. Parse your frigging logs, this is the only acceptable way to do it.

Why are fervid Googlers making ad-blocker-breaking changes to Chrome? Because they created a monster – and are fighting to secure it

Big Brother

What was that saying about liberty and safety by a certain Mr Franklin?

Wondering where that upcoming meeting with 'Cheap Viagra' came from? Spammers beat Gmail filters by abusing Google Calendar, Forms, Photos, Analytics...


A well-known problem with a well-known solution

Disable 'events from gmail' in google calendar settings, it's on by default. Unless you are relying on receiving appointments via gmail, then you are screwed.

There's NordVPN odd about this, right? Infosec types concerned over strange app traffic

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"and that gzip string looks rather like the client is expecting to receive a payload from the server" - I chose this particular bit to demonstrate technical ineptness of the scribbler who wrote this clickbait. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_compression

Nokia 9: HMD Global hauls PureView™ out of brand limbo


those corners again...

Can't stand those artificial retro rounded screen corners. I mean if screen is following the rounded corners of phone's body it is a reason to have them. Nowhere near a good one, but at least some sort of a reason, but this - when they cut (or probably just covered) screen corners to make it look like that silly trend... Sick. I would hate looking at it regardless of how good it is.

Here's 2018 in a nutshell for you... Russian super robot turns out to be man in robot suit

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Dude in an off the shelf fake-looking costume with pieces of him showing through the gaps is not a real robot - what a horrible lie! They will be opening our eyes on the fact that Santa's just a man with a fake beard next.

Huawei MateBook Pro X: PC makers look out, the phone guys are here


Very impressive. There is a flaw though, and a big one - the screen may be 4:3, but it is a shiny one.

Roscosmos: An assembly error doomed our Soyuz, but we promise it won't happen again


Translation is incorrect - not "a failure to open a nozzle at the top of the strap-on booster to vent its tank", but a failure to open the cover of the jet nozzle responsible for steering the booster away from the rocket.

Crucial P1 minicard flash drive? Not if you grabbed Intel's 660p


0.1 DWPD? This is so sad...

Watch Series 4: What price 'freedom'? About as much as you'd expect from an Apple product



it bootloops on the DST day https://www.theverge.com/2018/10/8/17950300/apple-watch-series-4-reboot-crash-dst-bug

Who's using 2FA? Sweet FA. Less than 10% of Gmail users enable two-factor authentication


but have you read the small print?

If you accept 2FA you accept 'Your number will be used for things like making Google services, including the ads you see....'. Thanks, but no thanks.

uBlock Origin ad-blocker knocked for blocking hack attack squawking


Sorry, Mr. Leyden, but think before you post

Why CSP is pretty much useless as security tool has been discussed in several comments, more importantly CSP can be used to track client-side script modifications and/or blocking - i.e. adblocking. If you installed adblocker you most probably would want to block CSP too, so the default uBlock behaviour is correct. Good job, uBlock!

Mercedes answers autonomous car moral dilemma: Yeah, we'll just run over pedestrians


would you by a car which might consider killing you?

I wouldn't. An autonomous vehicle may not injure its occupants or, through inaction, allow its occupants to come to harm - this is the First Law.

Reminder: IE, Edge, Outlook etc still cough up your Windows, VPN credentials to strangers


NTML could've been a typo, hadn't it been used twice.

Got an Android phone? SMASH IT with a hammer – and do it NOW


My phone (galaxy s5) has 'auto retrieve' checkbox in MMS settings. And it is unckecked - clever me.
