* Posts by Rae

1 publicly visible post • joined 4 Jun 2008

US imposes 72 hour pre-reg for Visa waiver travellers


theUnited States needs you

Yes, don't travel here. Look at what the usa does to the world. Maybe we should be blown off the planet...like many of my compatriots say about iraq....if you never hear from this coward again...you know homeland security just locked me up .I would be proud to die for the end of this establishment....

a few points...

1.) read about the New World order....that all governments are currently involved in creating. The united states is just the test ground by all world leaders for what is to come for all countries. watch zeitgeist the movie and see a little more...the third part

2.) Read about how the EU, the coming Asian Union and the soon to be north american union is about to happen....this is just years away....

3) Hold your breath....they already logged my IP address....yours too...

The hell with the United States...and I have lived here for 43 years...but you don't hear about us....those who wish....just like you.... to live in peace....

This is the next nazi era.....I am telling you....be prepared...

Just like that German woman said in Weimar ... it is coming....

Obama? He has hope, but hope on top of a broken system will just end his life too