* Posts by Linbox

121 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jun 2008


Ryanair trades blows with 'idiot blogger'


Love 'em

Disclaimer: I don't work for them. I fly a lot. I use a mix of airlines.

1) Their chairman is bloody funny and only wears rugby shirts. He doesn't mince words and says what he thinks.

2) If you get yourself a Visa Electron card, you don't pay credit card fees.

3) They are surprisingly punctual. I've flown with them maybe 10+ times and every flight has arrived on time or early.

4) You expect the staff to be surly, but they're OK. Better than the snotty fuckers BA employ.

5) Quite a few of their airports are in the middle of nowhere (Paris/Milan to name but two), but quite a few are well located (Belfast/Dublin/Berlin/Pisa).

6) Despite the "hidden" costs, which all default to "yes please, I would like you insurance" - a tactic that should only confuse the clueless - they are still cheap I booked 3 seats to Belfast last Aug for £76 TOTAL. The next cheapest was BMI at £120/each. Daytrip to Pisa for me + wife in Oct = £0.04p including ALL costs. Five tickets to Berlin in Dec, 10p.

For all those people on here who claim they'd rather pay £200 for a flight that includes a "free" bacon roll, cup of coffee and an allocated seat instead of crappy Ryanair and their £25 tickets - can I point you in the direction of my E-Bay auction for a mink-lined mouse mat and diamond-studded USB cable....

Hulu's Hollywood overlords force Boxee block

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Hulu is good

But the embedded adverts are a pain in the arse. Double-bad is ABC's catchup service which has advertising you have to click on to continue your program.

For all their faults, Auntie's nailed it first time with iPlayer. The only bugger being you can't use iPlayer in the US and Hulu doesn't work in the UK.


El Reg pays tribute to father of Playmobil

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* salutes *

that is all.

Microsoft sharpens axe as PC sales drop?


If I have to come down there and hit you with a 4 by clue ...

Save the consultancy fees. -- If they don't work for the Windows, Office or Servers teams = pink slip.

Zune, XBox, Live, Web, MSN, Dynamics, Photosynth, virtual earth, silverlight, Mobile, blah, blah and blah = FAIL.

Windows, Servers, Office = WIN.


IWF confirms Wayback Machine porn blacklisting

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Sky = WIN

Including this ElReg nugget from Jan-2001;

"Alta Vista to become only net search engine".


How the Google stole Christmas

Gates Halo


I've no idea what you're talking about. They do sound interesting though. Do I have to turn something on/off to see them?


Online crime maps go live



Apart from being impossible to find - Extensive Googling returned nothing and the HantsPlod website was equally useless - the only way of finding the data was from an earlier posting here on El.Reg by Ian Ferguson.

And the map itself?

As much use as Anne Franks drum kit.

A380 too quiet, moan Emirates pilots



Just got back from Oz and I noticed that the crew rest area on 4-class BA 777s is between the mid-toilets at the front of cattle class. There can hardly be a more noisy place on the whole aircraft. The sound of crying infants, however, isn't unique to economy, there was 2 in Club on the return leg, both of which were completely drowned out by a pair of Sennheiser PXC 350 noise-cancelling headphones. Probably cheaper to buy a couple of dozen pairs of those babies than re-fit an electric jet.

Agree with an earlier poster : Ad agency gumbo.

Brussels bemoans low take-up of electronic cash


So What?

As with most "technology solutions", somebody forgot to ask the "so what?" question about e-Cash. What benefits does AnyBank's eCash solution give me, the consumer, that can't be solved by old fashioned cash? Is it any cheaper? (no). Is it more widely available? (no). Is it accepted by more people? (no). If I stick it in a jar for 20 years, will it still work? (probably not). Does everybody in the entire world over the age of 4 understand it? (no).

Cash is the new cash. It just works.

BT's Phorm small print: It's all your fault



Surely, we just need to get this option as widely publicised as possible...?

500,000 oppose Red Arrows Olympic ban


AC15:30 - Fucksocks!

In my defence, beer may have been consumed.


Future article, posted backwards in time...?

"On 27 September, the government weighed in with.."

"by mid-October 165,000..."


OMFG, what have you done?


Reg 2.0

It's ok. We will get used to it. The fuss will settle down. We will soon come to agree that "Reg Classic" aka Reg1.0 looked a bit shitty. Eventually, we will accept the new icons.

We will all moan like fuck when Reg 3.0 comes out.

Welcome to the world of IT.

NASA's Ares V may crush Kennedy crawlerway


Short Ton

'Merkins use short tons = 2000Lbs = 907Kg. The "Long" ton = 2240Lbs = 1,016Kg.

As it's a yank vehicle, so the would have measured it in pounds and used short tons ... Unless NASA use the Navy convention of weighing ships in long tons ....

Clear now?

MoD announces 'Grand Challenge' tech-prize winner

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"pouring piss out of a boot..."

10 out of 10.

Dell's dinky designer desktop


Vista Only

Oh dear.


Site guesses your sex via age-old web flaw


50-50 .... Mmmmmm?

Firefox set to not remember any history, so the only pages open were this article and the test site. It reckons 50/50 chance.

Which would imply that El. Reg. readership is evenly split between men and women. If that *were* true, why is it only men who post comments...?

Sun may or may not be about to obliterate Oracle and Microsoft

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More mother f*cking Swearing you c*nts

Love it!

It needs more swearing. I have added 'horsefucked' to my lexicon.


The return of Killer Chlorine

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Great addition to the staff

I've been reading Numberwatch for many years and it's been a valuable addition to my reading mix. Like the always brilliant Lewis Page, John Brignell is a welcome addition to the staff of El. Reg.

Painting by numbers: NASA's peculiar thermometer


RE: Why did all the worlds scientists miss this....

Science is not about consensus, it's about theories which can be tested and proved or disproved. For climate scientists to say "the science is settled, we all agree" means nothing because if 11,000 scientists agree something is true and one lone nutter can prove it's not - then the science is wrong. "Settled science" is littered with dangerous denialists - Galileo Galilei, for one.

After the Nazi's took over, they rejected all things Jewish, including Einstein's so called 'Jewish physics' A book was published in Germany called "One hundred authors against Einstein". When asked what he thought of the book, the great man mused that if he had been wrong then only one would have been enough...

T5 Transformers t-shirt bust: Shock snap


@ Busby

b3ta is back online - in IP format -

Also - bloody good work.
