But Snow Leopard is only $29
That makes it wayyyy cheaper than Windows 7 to upgrade... However, I am an Apple user so the cost of Windows is irrelevant to me as I am not going to upgrade to it, Snow Leopard on the other hand, I will. I imagine the people using Windows machines, would not be affected by OS X prices either.... if they are going to buy a new machine and decide on an iMac or Macbook, the cost of upgrading to Snow Leopard is not going to be a factor on the actual cost of the machine. If they want to buy a new Windows machine, I can't see most people buying a Vista one and than paying to upgrade to Windows 7, they will just stick with Vista or they will wait for Windows 7 to be pre-installed and buy then or use an upgrade voucher provided it is free. So the competition as far as income from upgrades, is really just Microsoft from all of those existing Vista and XP users, most of whom I would guess won't pay for an upgrade. So apart from on new machines, I think Windows 7 sales wise will be another Vista.