While it does take some finagling on certain sites, I can't imagine surfing without NoScript these days. Glad to see it getting a mention in this story, the updates for that addon are almost annoyingly frequent.
11 publicly visible posts • joined 31 May 2008
As the article mentions it is currently illegal in California to make a cell phone call in a car w/o a headset (has been since June). That certainly hasn't stopped anyone, so how exactly does passing yet another unenforceable law help remedy the situation?
I won't argue people using handsets or texting in the car are a danger, but I'm not convinced that there is the same level of risk when one uses a headset. Given the lack of enforcement of current regulations, the morons who are the most dangerous aren't likely to be deterred.
"Hawley claims, however, there won't be any confusion about what passes or not because security officers will be well informed about them."
Now if only airport security staff were as well-informed about the differences between a T-Shirt with Optimus Prime on it and an actual weapon.
'Fiola, described by his wife as "computer-illiterate"'
If he truly is, then I can picture it. This guy goes to every website, clicks every link, and answers "Yes" to every pop-up box. (I'm sure we've all seen the results of this type of behavior before). That would very well explain how he got contracted this particular "infection", and easily distinguish him from the rest of the company lackeys who don't seem to be affected.
If he isn't computer illiterate, then the malware/virus would just be a clever way to cover up his activities.... but given that this all took place on a company laptop, I'm going to lean toward the former conclusion.
I wonder if there is malware out there that automatically downloads MP3's from ones favorite artists?