* Posts by Andrew B

4 publicly visible posts • joined 30 May 2008

Welsh Tories ask taxpayers to pick up iPod tab

Andrew B

@ Anonymous Coward

Yes, they could be used for listening to briefings. But an iPod? Call me a penny-pinching Scot, but there are much cheaper alternatives to those glossy wastes of money.

With that said, I'd be interested in seeing other parties' claims. Whilst I harbour nothing but the most acerbic hatred for the Conservatives, I can't imagine they're the only party with members splashing out.

Linux at 17 - What Windows promised to be

Andrew B

Oh my

"[...] Hurd will be out in a year (or two, or next month, who knows) [...]"

Or maybe not...

San Franciscans prep monument to US prez

Andrew B

Fitting memorial

Figures it'd be something that's full of shit.

Mine's the one with the sniper dots.

Daily Mail cites video game as proof of terrorist doomsday plot

Andrew B

If this is how things are going...

I'm looking forward to the first Register review of the Pip-Boy.