creativity will survive...
"Then to lose control of that work can be quite crushing, and many would consider the risk too high, to bother."
there were no labels or studios when the first cave paintings were made... nor the first songs.
labels and studios have had a good ride over the last few decades screwing artists and making ungodly money doing so.
most intelligent artists knew exactly what they were getting into and did so anyway.
now it's time for the labels and studios to take the same kind of responsibility... it's not their right to make money as they have, it is a privilege we have given them. they seem to of forgotten that... and the internet is allowing people to remind them who is really in charge here.
it's just a shame they have, as so many people point out, turned a blind eye to the future and wish for the very profitable days gone by.
when the brake system in your car begins to fail, pressing them harder will help in the short term... however if nothing new is done, eventually they give out entirely and you lose control.