Well there's a saving to be had if you want a Pro machine equivalent.
May well investigate this to update my old iMac core 2 duo. Logic needs more CPU!! I need more CPU!!
20 publicly visible posts • joined 28 May 2008
When a friend and I were in Middlesborough recently, he got stopped by the police for taking a piss in a back alley. (Don't get me started on this wasted of poilice resources, that's another matter)
They then bundled into a van and took him to a makeshift police station, where they charged him £80 and took a DNA swap.
Is this legal? I wouldn't expect getting my DNA taken for a parking offense or similar.
I watched the piece on the BBC last night about this.
I was quite concerned when they first said that this hack could only be carried out by an organised group of hackers, which is a blatant fallacy.
Also their advice to users was to check for HTTP_S_. Making sure that there's an S at the end. Hmm... ok, that has it's own set of questions, but if the site stores CC details on their database servers (if they have PCI compliance) then no amount of HTTPSing would stop that.