Works for me!
err, if you'd verified yourself as over 18 several years ago when this filter came into place, you would be able to get to piratebay and any other site classified as 18+. Just tried on vodafone, works for me!
18 publicly visible posts • joined 28 May 2008
What exactly is hard about writing a flash player for the iphone? I've had a perfectly good flash player on my N95 for over 2 years now, with no issues... I don't see any difficulty here in making it work on a mobile platform, power consumption or memory usage wise...?
To the AC that asked if it really would make any difference to be guessing the source port too, well yes, its now gone from 65536 possibilites to about 4 billion possibilities. There is no way you can send 4 billion dns replies in the short amount of time required to exploit the race condition (up to what, half a second?), this is tens of gigabytes of data...
However, if you just leave it to the OS to allocate a random source-port, then youre still shafted as most OSes allocate these in increasing numeric order from 1024 upwards. :-)
I agree with the AC who pointed out that these systems cannot be written for beer and a pie. These systems are not trivial. The systems in question use various esoteric protocols for data feeds to push and pull the data from each other. If you're lucky, they will talk HL7 or DICOM (look them up on google, they are pretty well documented) if youre unlucky, they will use some proprietary protocol which is a total ball-ache to implement. For example, connecting to a site's ftp server, downloading messages as text files, and parsing all these with no comeback on any errors, or system specific XML files and other such nastiness. The difficulty in the implementation is usually therefore not the issue of writing the program itself but getting the program to cooperate with the rest of the hospital, rest of the trust or even the rest of the NHS ("Spine", anyone?)
80mph? Control is an illusion anyway, can you prove you are in control at any speed when at any point something unexpected could knock you for six? :) at 30 mph you are statistically better placed for not causing a fatality but that possibility is still there. After all speed limits are worked out purely on statistics. Consider those "hit me it 30 and there is an 80% chance i will live" ads on tv. :)
i am sure this was done by a social engineering attack, someone got names and info on admins inside comcast, and then called up network solutions or faxed them a change. Quite likely if they could make the request seem authentic i bet. After all, how many people who post to this site would fall for a trick like that? This also means it is likely to be partly an inside job too :)