@AC - 07:26
Unfortunately, previous comments are not just about Emergency Care Records, but the full scale, we're recording everything from coughs and colds to mental illnesses, database, not just which prescriptions are being used. The information on the database that was stolen, was a small subset of that which could be stored on the full NHS database. Someone finds out that I am allergic to pennicillin, fine, I'm not that worried, someone finds out that I have a mental illness, that's a different matter. Emergency Care Records that can only be accessed, with my permission, or when I'm unconscious, I'd be prepared to do that. Full medical records, available to anyone I have cause to meet in the NHS? I don't think so. I'll be opting out too.
Oh, and how about people just take responsibility for their own emergency medical information. People with allergies tend to wear those rather funky bracelets with all the necessary in. Bet nobody would have been able to nick Gordo's info if he'd kept it in one of those.