oh I love my querky countrymen
first handbags now this
129 publicly visible posts • joined 28 May 2008
Most of the comments above that say "why do you ever need more?" simply lack imagination
I have the middle / average offering from my media supplier (phone, TV and 'net) and a just-ran speedtest gives me 59Mb down and 6Mb up
would I change it to something lower? Would I hell..
forget torrents (it's not illegal here, so off that high horse of yours please) - *everything* on the 'net is glorious and pretty darn near instant.
gotta love Amsterdam :)
So, if you have a problem with PayPal you can not find real people to solve it.
Your mail will go into an automated stream of back-and-forth never really getting solved.
You might - if very lucky - find a warm body somewhere after a few months of having your account frozen
they're the very definition of incompetence
If you spend your life on airplanes, trains and in hotels, then the smaller and lighter your whole travel bad is, the better.
Your laptop needs to be strong enough for Powerpoint, maybe a demo (which will probably be a remote connection thing anyway) and email.
In theory an iPad should do it...
but ok, I enjoyed the movie - particularly the anti-murkan capitalists-are-bastards rhetoric, but I didnt cry (once), nor did I relive the story in my mind again, and again, and again, re-weeping as (in)appropriate
certainly wouldn't buy it - not once, let alone each of their daft re-editions.
So may as well embrace it
but those bastard manufacturers are going to have to prove this won't be another BD vs HD, VHS vs Betamax - debacle before I spent a penny of my money on it
When I buy meself a nice new telly it'll be the other features and price that dictate which comes home.. if it happens to include 3D so be it..
They also need to pull their fingers out their collective buttholes and ensure decent access to content
here, in the Netherlands there is no tv content or movies.
as much as I love the apple thing, a PS3 simply makes more sense. Just make sure your PS3 can't install any root-kits on the TV, fridge, etc...
My venerable ol' 16GB 3G worked hundreds. No problems at all except it took aeons to do the initial backup - and the whole thing took about 2 hours
The folders are nice and the unified mailbox is helpful. And I like the reworked maps app.
Its a bit slow, but to be honest, it's not slower than before. I suspect my phone is suffering from Flash rot and needs a total reformat.
I'd imagine the typical (is there such a thing) Reg reader would froth and gnash his/her teeth at the iOS geek lock out and that seems to be evident in the reporting in the publication
so for most here, Android's a clear winner
for the rest of the world who see phones as appliances or fashion statements or tools or trinkets of delight I don't think the lock-out factor means a thing.
Neither does 5, 7, 8 or 12 MPs in the camera.
but I'm also a reasonably bright aware human being (cue comments about my debatable brightness if using a mac etc etc blah blah)
but I've been running AV on all macs in my household for quite some time.
It picks up loads of crapware too - mostly sent by my windows using friends
Not version 1, mind, never buy version 1 anything Apple, but in time I will
We moved house recently and whilst our stuff is in storage/transit, Spouse has taken over the MacBook Pro, so I've been forced to use my iPhone for pretty much every thing
and honestly, for what I want - in the evening, on the tram, in the train, at the station, at my office (a rabid bank where Thou Shalt Not Touch The Network Or Your Own Email) the iPhone is mostly perfect, just too small, and a bit small.
so a bigger, better iPhone will do the job hundreds.
Clearly my needs to completely different to most techies, and my religious I-Dont-Care-About-The-Browser-Or-Gubbins stance puts me at odds with most readers of this forum, but too bad: it'll suit me and my needs jjjjuuuussssttttt fine
you bought a tablet PC and have the audacity to comment on other people's choices?
I guess it makes a change from your usual running from dark shadow to dark shadow avoiding the daylight
(ps - this is a joke... yes, it's at your expense... yes, it'll probably make you angry.. but it's still just a joke)
so where was my hate speech?
sexually frustrated - well, apart from the irish catholics, that's largely true;
hate spewing - nope, doesn't denigrate their lifestyle choices - just an observation on what they say
dress wearing - ok, you got me there - that is demeaning. Those lovely frocks are obviously their choice and I respect that
delusions of adequacy and relevance - so remind me, what's % of the UK population go to church these days?
talk about a teaspoon of piss in the sunday school teachers tea..
Entourage blows steaming chunks every time something comes along - truly, if there were Razzies for software (are there?) then it should get every award
But Snow Leopards native support for hexchange works great
Excel for Mac is frustrating, but ok - to bojennet - Numbers is pretty, but it lacks too many features (lookups, array processing to name just two major ones) to be Prime Time
but the rest - word and ppt rock.. really
I think, if I was a male dog, kept far far way from the members of my own species who could assist me in matters ejaculatory, and lacking the thumbs to take things into my own hands, I think I might enjoy the odd assisted tug from my *cough* 'hand-ler'
It's a strange and odd thing for a human to do tho
strange strange strange indeed