* Posts by Iain Argent

9 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Apr 2007

Dear Hull, all your typos are belong to Karoo

Iain Argent

Stops ErrorZilla working

The big problem with OpenDNS et al is that my browser is configured to give me useful options when a server is down. With one click I can retry, go to the Google cache for the page, or several other useful options. OpenDNS stops this very useful feature working because my browser doesn't receive an error.

Sun pulls MySQL into its orbit

Iain Argent

Oracle already owns InnoDB

How does this fit in with Oracle owning InnoDB (one of the table types available in MySQL)? Is MySQL going to get pulled in two different directions now, or abandon InnoDB in favour of Falcon?

'I'll be back' is most-quoted movie line

Iain Argent

A Pair of Pints, Please!

"What is your name? What is your quest? What is your favourite colour?"

"Who's queen?"


...all great British inventions.

--- I'll have the blandest thing on the menu.

Glasgow is UK's runner-up in software piracy stakes

Iain Argent

Too late for what?

And what exactly are they going to do if nobody decides to incriminate themselves? Can they get a court order allowing them to randomly enter business premises and start poking around with their computer systems? I've been through this already with our Indian office. We are quite careful not to use pirated software (there's no need with FOSS) but I always resented the debt-collector tactics used to try and scare our employees into letting strangers onto our systems. I've never known exactly what the legal situation is, so we politely used to inform them that all our software was legal, and that if they wanted any further information, they would have to get a court order. It seemed to work ok on the three individuals who visited us.

Simon Pegg to play Scotty

Iain Argent

"I'm not Spanish, I'm Egyptian"

@Kevin Eastman

That's a quote from Ramirez (Connery's character in "Highlander"). Although Connor McLeod did call him a Spanish Peacock.

The swords were all Spanish, though. Made by Fabrica Martos in Toledo.

...oh, and of course the Russian Kurgan was played by an American. Not entirely sure where the accent was supposed to be from.

Brian May going for astronomy PhD

Iain Argent

Rise of the Machines

He also composed the music to "Rise of the Robots". Is there a dark agenda here? I think we should be told!

UK government tunes out debate on DNA database

Iain Argent

Not a full DNA database

@ Anonymous poster (What's the big problem?")

You've hit the nail on the head - it's not a full DNA database. I would feel a bit safer if all MPs, police officers and members of the judiciary were placed on the database. Perhaps safeguard might be taken a bit more seriously then.

You either have a complete database and admit that that is what you are creating, or you destroy the samples taken from innocent people. It's the lack of openness I object to.

Physics GCSE: 'insultingly easy, non scientific, and vague'

Iain Argent

Faith Schools are the Answer

...and whilst we're not learning proper physics anyway, the curriculum is further polluted with Intelligent Design crap.

My physics teacher impressed on me right from the start of the course that employers liked physics O-Grades (like O-levels) because "Physics shows you can think". Unlike faith schools, which bleed out capacity for original thought.

Users fawn over Ubuntu's feisty Linux release

Iain Argent

Windows Migration Toolkit?!

Now that would be something worth developing. How about mounting "My Documents" to your home directory and loading Freecell under WINE - now that really *would* encourage people. More should be done!