I'd be interested to know what retrocomputing channels you've found.
Posts by Dick Kennedy
40 publicly visible posts • joined 27 May 2008
USENET, the OG social network, rises again like a text-only phoenix
Samsung spruiks Galaxy Buds Pro performance as comparable to hearing aids
Apple has been working on hearing aid technology for years, and licences its technology for free to hearing aid manufacturers. Some of that technology makes its way into its own products. I have 80% hearing loss in one ear. I'm using AirPods Pro, tuned using the Mimi app and find that using just one AirPod in that bad ear makes a huge difference. The one downside of using earpod-style devices vs pukka hearing aids is battery life.
How bad is Catalina? It's almost Apple Maps bad: MacOS 10.15 pushes Cupertino's low bar for code quality lower still
Re: Well if the US ships want the Chinese to keep out of the way
Same old Apple bashing. Take a few disgruntled devs (and when weren't devs disgruntled?), and handful of non-functional apps (mainly because the devs are crap/lazy) and some unsubstantiated rumours, mix together and blow out of all proportion.
This is a major OS update. When did you know of a major OS update that didn't have snags - including Windows and Linux? For god's sake, half of the Linux world is still blathering on about systemd.
Alas, this is all too typical for The Reg. I know Apple ignores you, but do try to get over it. If you do that, then maybe one day you can grow up into real journalists.
A new US-UK data agreement is worrisome but it won’t give access to encrypted comms
France says 'non merci' to Facebook-backed Libra cryptocurrency
TSO Host no closer to solving customers' email issues as Brit firm pops up on more blacklists
Re: Well if the US ships want the Chinese to keep out of the way
Nothing new here. I used TSO a couple of years ago. Emails from the domains they hosted regularly got blacklisted. Customer support was a joke. Servers were slow. I moved to a new hosting firm before the year's subscription ran out.
But I also agree that Spamhaus are a bunch of knobheads.
Brussels changes its mind AGAIN on .EU domains: Euro citizens in post-Brexit Britain can keep them after all
So, you criticise the EU for taking a certain position, then criticise them again when they respond to criticism and do something you thought they should do. But I guess that acknowledging that fact would mean passing up an opportunity to be snarky. And, let's face it, the Register is nothing without snark.
What do we want? Decentralised, non-siloed social media with open standards! When do we want it? Soon!
Re: Well if the US ships want the Chinese to keep out of the way
Decentralising has been done - Mastodon, Diaspora, Hubzilla. But they're systems only nerds could love and their creators seem to move on whenever they get bored and come up with the next cool wheeze. What's needed is for some organisation (not necessarily commercial) to put some weight behind one of them and make it friendly to non-geek civilians.
There's NordVPN odd about this, right? Infosec types concerned over strange app traffic
The curious case of Spamhaus, a port scanning scandal, and an apparent U-turn
This is the problem with self-appointed guardians of the interwebs. I used to have endless problems with Spamhaus. My email was provided by a major ISP. Some other user who, presumably, was in the same IP pool as me may have done something unwise from time to time, which ended up with everyone who got dished out that IP being blocked by Spamhaus. About once a week I'd have to apply to Spamhaus to get it unblocked, which could take 48 hours. It became untenable. But my frequent queries to Spamhaus - about why & how they were blocking were treated either with arrogance or were completely ignored. I had to change my email setup because it was affecting my business. The terms 'self-important' and 'pompous' were coined for this bunch...
User secures floppies to a filing cabinet with a magnet, but at least they backed up daily... right?
Don't mean to alarm you, but Boeing has built an unmanned fighter jet called 'Loyal Wingman'
Microsoft hopes it has a sequel better than Godfather Part II: SQL Server 2019 previewed
A story of M, a failed retailer: We'll give you a clue – it rhymes with Charlie Chaplin
NASA finds satellite, realises it has lost the software and kit that talk to it
PowerShell comes to MacOS and Linux. Oh and Windows too
Behold iOS 11, an entirely new computer platform from Apple
Apocalypse now: Ad biz cries foul over Apple's great AI cookie purge
mark I - the Safari thing is about third party cookies, not the cookies Amazon sets itself when you visit the site (although Amazon also uses browser data). This move won't affect your logged-in status at Amazon. What it does affect is Amazon's ability to track your movements around the web using third-party cookies set when you visit *other* sites.
Sacre bleu! Apple's high price, marginal gain iPhone strategy leaves it stuck in the mud
US Navy suffers third ship collision this year
From landslide to buried alive: Why 2017 election forecasts weren't wrong
Julian Assange wins at hide-and-seek game against Sweden
Another ZX Spectrum modern reboot crowdfunder pops up
RAF pilot sacked for sending Airbus Voyager into sudden dive
Inside our three-month effort to attend Apple's iPhone 7 launch party
Nasty session stealing hole filled in WordPress All in One SEO plugin
Blah Blah blah ... I don't care! To hell with your tech marketing bull
Oh, and what about the press releases boasting that Company X (which you've never heard of) has made it into the Gartner Magic Quadrant - as if anyone gives a flying toss about the Magic Quadrant - or Gartner, for that matter. Or Company Y achieving ISO 27001, to which the only possible alternative response to 'Who gives a slippery shit?' is, 'Seriously? You didn't already have that?'. And don't get me started on the, 'Malcolm Insignificant, Chief Bloviating Officer of Irrelevant Software is in London next week and this is a great opportunity for a one-to-one where you can ask him how great it must be to be him', to which I always reply, "Really? In London? That's great. I'll be in Paris.'
Sorry about the cat.
The Police Chief's photo library mixed business, pleasure and flesh
Re: My favorite floppy story...
Back in the 1980s, MicroPro was so sick of people pirating WordStar that they had an amnesty. You could send in a copy of the program and it would be issued with a licence for a nominal fee. One person sent in a 5.25in floppy with a note *stapled* to it: "Please take care of this - it's my only copy of the program". Which is dumb on several levels...
How could that happen?
I was once asked by some friends to look at their computer, as its Internet connection was very slow. They'd left the machine with a mate who was house-sitting for them for a few months. I could see from the connection monitor that whenever the machine was online (this was dialup days) there was a *lot* of outgoing traffic. Sure enough, the machine was infected with a nasty virus, which took me the best part of a day to eradicate (lots of Registry editing). "How could this have happened?" they asked. I pointed to about a dozen icons on the desktop, all of them shortcuts to various porn sites. I didn't mention what I'd found in certain folders. Those I'd discreetly removed...
What the world really needs: A telescopic SELFIE STICK
Not original...
Minolta had this idea back in the 1980s. It launched a compact disc camera (remember those?). It came with a screw-on telescopic arm. In those pre-digital, pre-screen days, to help you compose the shot, there was a small mirror mounted on the front of the camera. This was tinted slightly pink because that makes ladies feel better about how they look (allegedly).
MSX: The Japanese are coming! The Japanese are coming!
Ten ancestors of the netbook
Quaderno - good for two weeks
I was at the Quaderno launch in Italy and got given one of the machines. Loved it and used it extensively until, inevitably (given that it was Italian), it broke. That was a fun two weeks. I didn't know a single journo from that launch whose Quaderno didn't break. In some cases, they found the machines broken by the time they got back from Italy. The screen had a very thin glass covering that would crack if there was a light breeze, or an 'R' in the month. Otherwise a fine attempt.
Patrick Moore: Lived with cats, accompanied Einstein on the piano

The man was an unrepentant bigot. He though women had no place being on TV - and if they had to be, should have a TV channel of their own. Also a thorough-going racist, by all accounts (and I'm talking of accounts by people I know who met him and had the misfortune to know him reasonably well).
What he did, he did well. He's left a great legacy in terms of inspiring people in the realm of science and astronomy. But as a person, no great loss...
Lindsay Lohan storm over Hitler, Hurricane tweets: 'It was hackers'
Surface RT: Freedom luvin' app-huggers beware
JK Rowling's adult novel arrives on ebook full of FAIL
This excuse about VAT driving the cost of ebooks up is nonsense. Yes, VAT must be charged. But the ex-VAT cost of the ebook should be much lower to start with. There's no printing, no raw materials, no distribution costs (shipping and storage), no pulping of unsold copies, etc etc. The production cost of ebooks is a tiny fraction of that of print books. This is about publishers gouging the public.
WikiLeaks readies next release
Important but annoying
Wikileaks is an important medium for information that would otherwise be suppressed. It's just a shame that, while providing a valuable service, Assange devotes so much time to behaving like a dickhead. Mostly, I find his attitude merely immature. The approach of 'information must be free at all costs' is the kind of naive tosh you'd expect of an undergraduate. I'm looking forward to the day that Assange grows up - then he'll do something really useful.
Acrobatic pilot survives loss of wing
Parachutes - a bad idea
Iglethal has it right. Also, ballistic chutes encourage people to take the easy way out when it would actually be <i>safer</i> to fly on. Poor weather is a good example.
Is the Rans S9 actually approved for aerobatics? Looks like the wing folder under negative-g, so the pilot may have been overdoing it.